Sunday, August 30, 2020

Helaman 13-16

Helaman 13
While the Nephites remained in their great wickedness
Lamanites strictly followed all the commandments.
In the 86th year Samuel, a Lamanite,
Came to Zarahemla to set the people right.
After preaching many days the people cast him out
But when God told him to return he turned around.
He climbed on the wall of the city to impart
Any prophecy that the Lord put in his heart.
“An angel has brought glad tidings unto my soul
“And I have been sent to share it with you, also.
“Destruction awaits you and it surely will come
“Unless you repent and have faith in the Lord’s son.
“The only reason Zarahemla has been spared
“Are the righteous for whom the Lord will always care.
“When you cast them out you’ll be ripe for destruction
“Because of your evil and abominations.
“And in all the land, they will find that there’s a curse.
“None of them will be able to find their treasures.
“You have set your hearts on your riches.  You do not
“Thank the source of all that you have: the Lord your God.
“You cast out the prophets and you seek to destroy them
“But you will receive any who say you can sin.
“And in the future, when your desolation comes
“You will weep and howl and regret all that you’ve done.
“All things will be slippery so you can’t keep them
“And you’ll feel surrounded by the devil’s demons.
“Oh that you’ll repent now so that you can be saved!
“Don’t wait!  It will be everlastingly too late!”

Helaman 14
Then Samuel would prophesy that in five years’ time
Jesus would come to earth to save all of mankind.
“When the Savior comes the heavens will have great lights.
“It will be so bright there’ll be no darkness that night.
“There will be a new star and many other signs
“And those who believe will have everlasting life.
“Later, Jesus will die and be resurrected
“So all may come back to life and be perfected.
“When the Savior dies there will be another sign
“For three days there’ll be tempests and there’ll be no light.
“Cities will be desolate.  There will be earthquakes
“And many who have died will come back from the grave.

Helaman 15
Samuel kept on speaking and went on to explain
That the Lord planned to prolong the Lamanites’ days,
“Lamanites who repent remain firm and steadfast.
“Nephites are becoming more wicked, by contrast.
“Even in the future when they’re wicked again,
“Their firmness will lead God to bless and preserve them.
“Nephites’ unbelief, despite all that God has done,
“Finally will lead to their utter destruction.”

Helaman 16
Some of those who heard Samuel’s words went to Nephi
And confessed their sins so that they could be baptized.
Others tried to kill Samuel with stones and arrows
But no one could hit him, no matter what they’d throw.
Many more believed, seeing he could not be hurt
And were baptized just as the other people were.
All the rest cried out, rejecting this miracle,
“Take this man and bind him, for he has a devil.”
But they couldn’t catch him.  Samuel leapt from the wall
And went home to prophesy to his own people.
Little changed among the Nephite people until
The 90th year when the scriptures were fulfilled.
Even as these signs and these wonders had their start
All but the believers chose to harden their hearts.
They rationalized, “The idea that God’s own son
“Would come among us is a wicked tradition.”
They imagined many more vain and foolish things
That would prevent their hardened hearts from believing.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Helaman 1-6

Helaman 1
In the fortieth year, there was a contention
Concerning three sons of the late judge, Pahoran.
All three strove to be the next chief judge, like their dad
They chose Pahoran in the election they had.
His brother, Pacumeni, accepted his loss
But his brother, Paanchi, was exceedingly wroth.
When he tried to start a rebellion they took him
And put him to death, which angered dangerous men.
His supporters sent a man known as Kishkumen
To the judgment seat where he murdered Pahoran.
When the deed was done, this group made a covenant
That they’d never tell about the man they had sent.
Afterward, they had Pacumeni take his place.
Soon the Nephites had a new enemy to face.
A dissenter named Coriantumr had gone
To the Lamanites, to the son of Ammoron.
He convinced the king that with his wisdom and might
He could lead their armies to defeat the Nephites.
They marched to the heart of their lands—Zarahemla—
This was something not foreseen by Moronihah.
They cut down the watch.  They soon took over it all
And killed Pacumeni right by the city wall.
This had been so easy Coriantumr planned
To take Bountiful and all other Nephite lands.
Though he marched quickly and his men were merciless
Placing his army in the center was careless.
Soon Moronihah had his army surrounded.
Coriantumr’s arrogance was unfounded.
When their leader was killed his army surrendered
And peace was restored.  The forty first year ended.

Helaman 2
That next year they needed to fill the judgment seat
Since Coriantumr had killed Pacumeni.
When the people voted they all chose Helaman
Plans were laid for his homicide by Kishkumen.
His band had a new leader who had them convinced
That if he was chief judge he’d give power to them.
But a servant obtained their plans while in disguise
And he killed Kishkumen but soon their band was wise.
So, when Helaman tried to have them arrested
Gadianton and his band had already left.
They dwelt in the wilderness.  Their numbers would rise.
One day these robbers would destroy all the Nephites.

Helaman 3
Three years passed with few disputations among them
But the 46th year brought many contentions.
A new home was found for those who were discontent.
There weren’t many trees so they learned to use cement.
Even some of the Ammonites moved north with them.
Meanwhile things went well in the south for Helaman.
He was like his father and kept the commandments
And his sons, Nephi and Lehi, became great men.
In the 49th year the Church would grow in size
When tens of thousands of the Nephites were baptized.
Anyone who wants to may hold the word—the rod.
It will lead the man of Christ directly to God.
Though there was rejoicing and peace throughout the land,
In only two years some became prideful again.
Those who let pride enter their hearts would persecute
Any who had less wealth and their pride grew and grew.
But those of the church fasted often and they prayed
And their faith and humility grew day by day.
In the 53rd year Helaman would die.
His place as chief judge was filled by his son, Nephi.

Helaman 4
That next year the Nephites’ contentions were so bad
That the rebels were killed and driven from the land.
In only two years they convinced the Lamanites
To forget their fears so that they’d fight the Nephites.
By the 58th year, the Lamanites possessed
All the Nephite lands in the south.  This great success
Was all thanks to the wickedness of the Nephites.
They had let their wealth fill their souls and hearts with pride.
They’d oppressed the poor and mocked anything sacred
And they gradually became truly wicked.
But when Moronihah, Nephi and Lehi taught,
Many repented and had success when they fought.
By the 61st year they’d regained half their lands
But they couldn’t get more and so they changed their plans.
From that time the Nephites’ outlook was very bleak—
They realized that their wickedness had made them weak.

Helaman 5
Nephi saw this wickedness and wanted to preach
So he left and gave Cezoram his judgment seat.
He and Lehi would preach for the rest of their days,
For they remembered the words that their father spake.
“I named you Nephi and Lehi so that you would
“Remember and be like those men whose works were good.
“Share the words of Amulek and King Benjamin,
“‘Through our Savior’s blood we can be redeemed from sin.’
“You must build your foundation on the rock of Christ
“So that you’ll stay strong through the whirlwinds of this life.
“When the devil sends forth his storms—they come to all—
“He will never drag you down, for you cannot fall.”
Helaman shared many more teachings with his sons
They remembered and shared his words with everyone.
They taught with great power and many were baptized.
This included 8,000 of the Lamanites.
While they traveled they were cast into a prison.
After many days their captors came to kill them
But a fire appeared and it encircled them just then.
Seeing that their captors were struck with such great fear
Nephi and Lehi spoke these words for all to hear,
“Fear not, for it is God who has shown you this thing.”
After they said these words the earth started shaking.
All those in the prison were covered with darkness
And a voice spoke to them, it whispered with mildness,
“Repent ye and seek no more to destroy these men.”
Afterward, the walls of the prison shook again.
One among them saw that Nephi and Lehi shone
And could see that they were conversing with someone.
When the others asked him, “With whom do they converse?”
He said it was angels and went on to rehearse
What he’d learned when he was a member of the church,
“You must all repent so the darkness will disperse.”
The darkness left and they saw that each and every man
Had a pillar of fire that was surrounding him.
The Holy Ghost entered their hearts.  They all heard a voice,
“Thanks to your faith in Christ you can have peace; rejoice.” 
Then the heavens opened!  Angels appeared to them.
Afterward, they all testified of this event.
They convinced so many Lamanites of what they’d seen
They gave up warfare and the lands that they had seized.

Helaman 6
Thanks to the conversion of all these Lamanites
They became even more righteous than the Nephites.
These two groups became friends, interacting freely.
For the next four years they enjoyed prosperity.
In the 66th year someone killed Cezoram
Afterward they murdered his replacement—his son.
That next year the people became wicked again,
Due to the influence of Gadianton’s band.
Their hearts were so set on wealth that they’d kill and rob.
They ignored the laws of men and the laws of God.
Lamanites did all they could to destroy these men
But, sadly, many Nephites united with them.
They took secret oaths to protect their band members
Whenever they stole or committed a murder.
They had secret signs and even had secret words
So that they could tell whoever was a “brother.”
This whole system was put in Gadianton’s heart
By the same being who’d tempted men from the start.
He’s the author of sin and in only one year
Many Nephites discarded all that they’d held dear.
While the Lamanites had begun to walk in truth,
Nephites lost the Spirit as their wickedness grew.
And by the 68th year, Gadianton’s band
Had taken over the government of the land.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Alma 53-63

Alma 53
Nephites had their prisoners digging in the dirt,
They found it was easier to guard them when they worked.
They built fortifications around Bountiful,
Then the prisoners were kept inside those very walls.
Now the Nephites had regained two strong locations
They devoted their time to war preparations.
Due to the intrigue that they’d had among themselves,
They were in the most dangerous circumstances.
Many Nephite cities had been taken by their foes
Soon the Ammonites considered breaking their oath.
They hated seeing the danger and afflictions
That their friends the Nephites were bearing for them.
Helaman convinced them that they shouldn’t take up arms,
Telling them that, if they did, their souls would come to harm.
So they sent two thousand of their courageous sons
To defend their country.  They followed Helaman. 
Since they were so young, we call them stripling soldiers.
They were all strong men who were truthful and sober.

Alma 54
Not long after the gath’ring of these warriors
Ammoron requested to exchange prisoners.
Moroni rejoiced.  This was just what he wanted
So he wrote him back, this is what his letter said,
“Ammoron, you and your brother are murderers.
“I could tell you more but you’d just reject my words.
“I will only exchange prisoners with you when
“Each of mine is worth a man, his wife and his children.
“If you do not, total warfare will be employed
“Until each and every one of you is destroyed.”
This was the angry letter Ammoron would send,
“You have killed my brother and I’ll have my revenge.”
“I will gladly grant your request so that I may
“Feed my own men while this eternal war is waged.
“I am Ammoron.  I am a bold Lamanite.
“We’re fighting this war to take back our stolen rights.”

Alma 55
This epistle made Captain Moroni angry.
“I will seek their death until they shall sue for peace.”
So, instead of exchanging prisoners with them
He came up with a plan and searched among his men.
He sent a former Lamanite to the city
Where many Nephites were held in captivity.
He approached the guards standing at the city gate
Claiming that from Nephite prisons they had just escaped.
“We have stolen some of their wine,” he told the guards.
Getting them intoxicated wasn’t very hard.
They were in a deep sleep.  Moroni and his men
Came and threw in weapons to the prisoners within.  
Then he and his men surrounded the Lamanites.
When they woke the next day, they didn’t try to fight.
Everything went according to Moroni’s plan:
The Nephite captives were free and could fight with his men.
Though the Lamanites tried similar strategies,
None of them succeeded—not one of their intrigues.
At the end of the twenty ninth year Moroni
Started to prepare to attack the Lamanites.

Alma 56
As the year began a letter was brought to him
Telling of the young men that were with Helaman.
Helaman was so proud of these two thousand men
Who fought so their fathers could keep their covenant.
“It has been four years,” wrote their leader, Helaman,
“Since I was chosen to lead my two thousand sons.
“First we went to Judea and joined Antipus
“He’d lost many men and rejoiced when he saw us.
“We worked to fortify this city without cease.
“And we hoped to win back four more Nephite cities.
“Antipus sent me and my army out.  Our size
“Lured the Lamanites who’d been informed by their spies.
“This was the strongest army of the Lamanites
“So, when they pursued us we had to take our flight.
“Antipus and his men followed them from behind
“So they could attack the Lamanites by surprise.
“But when they saw Antipus marching in in their rear
“They marched even faster, which filled me with great fear.
“I knew that we weren’t strong enough to fight with them
“So, for almost three days, my brave sons and I ran.
“Suddenly, they halted.  I feared it was a snare.
“‘Will ye go to battle?’ I asked them, ‘Do you dare?’
“Never, Moroni, had I seen courage like this
 “‘Father,’ they said, ‘Let us go forth.  God is with us.’
“Though they never had fought, not one of them feared “death.
“Their mothers had taught them God would deliver them.
“We came just in time to help Antipus’s men
“Once they caught the Lamanites a battle had “commenced.
“They were so weary from their long, speedy pursuit
“That many had died and their army was confused.
“The Lamanites were winning when we came on the “scene
“We hit them from the rear and slew them exceedingly.
“Soon the Lamanite army would give up the fight.
“When I numbered my men not one of them had died.
“They had fought with God’s strength.  It was miraculous.
“The Lamanite army had been frightened by us.”

Alma 57
Helaman’s epistle continued and it said,
“Ammoron offered me a city.  In its stead
“He wanted the prisoners we had just taken.
“I said, ‘No.  Let’s take our captives and exchange them.’
“He refused to listen.  We prepared to attack
“And scared the people off so we took the city back.
“Afterward, we wanted the city Cumeni
“So we laid siege to it and cut off their supplies.
“After many days they yielded the city up
“But by now our prisoners were quite numerous.
“I asked Gid to lead a group of men who would take
“Our captives to Zarahemla but many escaped.
“Gid and his men rushed back and they were just in “time
“To help us fight off a large group of Lamanites.
“My band of stripling warriors fought most desperately
“They were firm and brave and they obeyed exactly.
“Thanks to their great faith and the men who had returned,
“We retained the city Cumeni.  Soon, I learned
“Though 200 fainted from losing so much blood,
“Not one of my sons died!  It was miraculous.

Alma 58
“Next we tried to take back the city of Manti
“But our decoys failed no matter how hard we tried.
“We waited for months for supplies and for more men
“We had nearly starved when they sent us food again.
“Our numbers and provisions were inadequate
“When compared with our foe.  They appeared “numberless.
“Why we did not receive more strength we did not know.
“We were filled with fear that we’d soon be overthrown.
“So we prayed to God and He filled our souls with peace.
“This gave us courage to go face our enemies.
“We went forth with our might near the city Manti
“When they saw how small we were they prepared to fight.
“When the Lamanites came I had my men retreat.
“Our strategy worked!  They followed us with great speed.
“While we were pursued we ran past my hidden men
“Who ran to Manti and with ease took possession.
“We marched quickly.  Soon Zarahemla was in reach
“When the Lamanites saw this they chose to retreat.
“That night, while they rested, my army didn’t sleep.
“We marched through the night and passed them by the morning.
“We arrived at Manti before the Lamanites
“And that’s how we took the city without a fight.
“This has caused many of our enemies to flee,
“Kidnapping many and abandoning cities.
“While we’re grateful we possess these cities again
“If we hope to keep them we simply need more men.
“We do not know why we have not received more strength
“We won’t murmur—God will deliver us, at length.
“Not one soul of my stripling warriors has been slain.
“They’ve received many wounds but they are strong in faith.”

Alma 59
When Moroni read this his heart was filled with joy.
He shared it with his people so they could rejoice.
Right away he wrote a letter to Pahoran
Asking him to send men to strengthen Helaman.
When their foes took over the city Nephihah
Moroni was shocked and this feeling soon would gnaw.
He’d requested more men for Nephihah but they
Hadn’t come!  He felt the government was to blame.

Alma 60
So Moroni wrote a letter to Pahoran—
He was the chief judge and governor of the land.
“All of our armies suffer hunger, thirst, fatigue
“Because you have withheld the men and food we need.
“There has been great slaughter because of your neglect
“We desire to know why you have been so inept.
“Can you think you’ll sit on your thrones in a stupor
“While your men are fighting and suffering hunger?
“You will be condemned!  God has heard my soldiers’ “cries
“If you’re being slothful He’ll know you didn’t try.
“Or maybe you’re traitors seeking greater power.
“Meanwhile we’re losing more people every hour.
“If you don’t repent and send more supplies to us
“I will come to you and start an insurrection.
“I’ll recruit all those who love freedom and, what’s more,
“I will find you and I will smite you with the sword.
“I’m not seeking power.  I want to pull it down
“Freedom and God’s glory are where true joy is found.”

Alma 61
Soon Pahoran sent an epistle back to him
Saying, “I do not joy in your great afflictions!
“Some are glad and they’ve risen up in rebellion
“Against me and others who call themselves freemen.
“They have their own king and drove me out of the land
“Merging with the Lamanites is their master plan.
“I am gathering all the freemen that I can.
“Our numbers have grown, so we frighten those king-“men.
“I know you have censured me but it matters not.
“I’m not mad—I rejoice in the greatness of your heart.
“I don’t seek for power, I stand for liberty.
“Let us fight together.  Come join us speedily.
“I’m grateful you wrote; I was not sure what to do.
“Now I know we must fight our brethren, thanks to you.
“I have sent supplies for Lehi and Teancum
“So they can stand fast while you’re here in Gideon.”

Alma 62
Moroni felt joy.  His friend wasn’t a traitor.
So he left Lehi and Teancum where they were.
He and a small group headed back to Gideon.
On their way they had thousands come to fight with them.
He and Pahoran headed with their combined force
And made sure Pahoran’s judgment-seat was restored.
Pachus was the king that the dissenters had crowned
He was slain and his men were easily put down.
Subsequently, for the safety of everyone,
They killed all dissenters who fought against freedom.
Right away, Moroni sent provisions and men
To Lehi, to Teancum, and to Helaman.
Then, as he and Pahoran marched to fight elsewhere,
They met Lamanites on their path and fought them there.
They slew many.  Those who promised they’d never fight
Were allowed to leave and dwell with the Ammonites.
Afterward, Moroni’s army marched without pause
So they could camp outside the city Nephihah.
By the dark of night, Moroni climbed up their walls
And saw where the Lamanites were sleeping, one and all.
So, over the wall the whole Nephite army stole
And they took the city without losing a soul.
Once again, their prisoners joined the Ammonites.
They learned to work hard and raise grains of every kind.
Now Moroni’s men went to the land of Lehi.
When the Lamanites saw, they ran away in fright.
Soon the Nephite armies surrounded all of them
And both armies set up their camps by the day’s end.
Too angry to sleep, Teancum crept in their camp,
Found Ammoron and threw a javelin at him.
Ammoron cried out and it woke his servants up.
They chased down and killed his assailant, Teancum.
That next day, the Nephites attacked the Lamanites
They defeated them and for years they wouldn’t fight.
This war had been so long the Nephites came to be
Either hardened or softened with humility.
Now the war was over, Moroni passed command
Into his son, Moronihah’s capable hands.
Helaman returned to preaching with his brethren
They had found the church needed more regulation.
All the Nephites prospered but they avoided pride.
This made Helaman a happy man when he died.

Alma 63
With his brother’s death, Shiblon took over the plates.
And, a year later, Moroni would pass away.
Many Nephites started to travel.  Some went north.
The curious Hagoth traveled by ship with more.
When he saw that he would soon pass away Shiblon
Passed the plates on to Helaman’s son, Helaman.
When dissenters started a battle the Nephites,
Led by Moronihah, conquered the Lamanites.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes