Sunday, August 2, 2020

Alma 43-52

Alma 43
You don’t have to worry about Corianton.
We know he repented and went to preach again.
Though Alma was older, he found he couldn’t rest
So he joined his sons in their missionary quest.
Next we learn how the leader of the Lamanites
Made sure his chief captains were all former Nephites.
Zarahemnah knew that they were more murderous
In their disposition than each Lamanite was.
Zarahemnah hoped that their hatred and their spite
Would help him gain power and enslave the Nephites.
Since the people of Ammon promised not to fight,
All the battles would have to be fought by Nephites.
Their leader, Moroni, was both faithful and bold
And he was quite young—only 25 years old.
Captain Moroni made sure every single man
Was equipped with armor, with shields and with weapons.
Zerahemnah’s men weren’t prepared with anything. 
They were nearly naked, with only swords and slings.
Though they far outnumbered the Nephites they were scared.
So, they ran away.  Moroni would soon know where.
He sent spies to watch them and messengers to see
If the Lord would tell Alma where they all would be.
“They’ll attack Manti” was the answer to his prayer,
So, when the Lamanites attacked, they were prepared.
First Zerahemnah’s men were attacked from behind
By a detachment led by the daring Lehi.
The Lamanites had no chance since they were so exposed
They were being destroyed at almost every stroke.
So they ran away and crossed the river Sidon,
Which is where Moroni was hidden with his men.
Once again the Lamanites were losing, so they ran.
Moroni had a detachment waiting for them.
Desperate, all the Lamanites fought just like dragons.
They fought so fiercely that it scared Moroni’s men.
He could sense their fear, so he reminded them of
Who they were defending: the people that they loved.
When they heard his message, Moroni’s army turned
And cried out to God for the things for which they yearned.
After praying for help they fought with so much power
That the Lamanites ran away in that same hour.
They did not get far, for they found Moroni’s men
Had them all surrounded in the River Sidon.
Wading through the water, they were struck with terror
Moroni stopped his men when he saw how scared they were.

Alma 44
Moroni told his foe, “Zerahemnah, now you see,
“God supports His children.  He wants us to be free.
“You are angry with us due to our faith in Christ
“But this very faith is the reason we’re alive.
“Give us all your weapons.  Swear you’ll never fight again
“If you don’t my troops will kill each and every man.”
Their leader gave his weapons but wouldn’t take an oath.
“Don’t make us promise to do something that we won’t.
“We don’t think your faith saved you.  We think it’s because
“Of your armor and the movements that your army does.”
Moroni gave back all his weapons and he said,
“We will end the conflict.  You all will soon be dead.”
Angry, Zerahemnah rushed toward him with his sword.
One of Moroni’s men knocked his scalp to the floor.
He lifted it up using the tip of his sword
Saying, “You’ll fall like this scalp if you don’t give your word.
“Deliver your weapons and a promise of peace.”
Many listened to him and they were all set free.
The rest were too stubborn.  They fought powerfully
But they died quickly.  Zerahemnah sued for peace.
He and his men left; they had met every demand.
The Nephites returned to their houses and their lands.

Alma 45
All the Nephites gave thanks, they fasted and they prayed
To the Lord because they knew that they had been saved.
In the 19th year, Alma went to Helaman
Asking, “Do you believe all of my words, my son?”
Helaman said, “Yes, in the records and in Christ
“I believe it all.  Both are precious beyond price.
“I will keep your commandments with all of my heart.”
Alma said, “I’m so glad, knowing how blessed you are.”
Then Alma prophesied of how the Nephites would
Forget all of Christ’s teachings and everything’s that good.
400 years after Christ would appear to them
There’d be pestilences, wars, bloodshed and famines.
It’s because of sin that to such depths they would sink.
All Nephites and disciples would become extinct.
After blessing his sons he departed from that land
And he disappeared, he was never seen again.
Helaman then went forth with his brethren to preach.
Church members were struggling that they hoped they could reach.
Though they did their best to bring order to the church,
Many had grown proud and refused to heed their words.
Alma 46
Helaman and his brethren were told they were wrong
By Amalikiah, who was both big and strong.
He convinced his followers that he should be king,
Promising, “I’ll make you rulers if you support me.”
They worked hard to lead away others and it worked.
Sadly this included many members of the church.
How could this be?  They had just been giving thanks
To the Lord and now the church was losing its ranks.
It’s a good reminder of how fast we can fall.
If we forget the Lord then we can lose it all.
Like Amalickiah, a wicked man can lead
People to destroy the source of their liberty.
Moroni was angry so he tore up his coat,
Wrote a message on it and hung it on a pole.
It read, “In mem’ry of God and our religion,
“Our freedom and our peace, our wives and our children.”
He was calling others to fight for his great cause
And to fight any who would overthrow their laws.
He put on his armor and prayed with all his might
That the true believers would help him win this fight.
He went forth with this, the Title of Liberty,
Waving it and calling Christians, “Come and stand with me.”
True Christians came running, their armor fastened on,
Promising that they would not forsake the Lord their God.
They sent forth this message in all parts of the land
Calling men to fight Amalickiah and his band.
When Amalickiah saw he was outnumbered,
He departed from the land with his followers.
Captain Moroni chased them down with his army
But Amalickiah and a few still slipped away.
All those who were captured had to make a promise
To support freedom or they would be put to death.
All the Nephites placed the title of liberty
At the top of every tower so it would be seen.

Alma 47
Now, this man Amalickiah soon set his sights
On becoming king over all the Lamanites.
He convinced their king they should go to war again
But many Lamanites were scared and so they ran.
They had just lost a battle against Moroni
And believed if they fought the Nephites they would die.
Trusting that Amalickiah could bring them back
The Lamanite king sent him but it was a trap.
First, Amalickiah convinced those who’d rebelled
That he’d give them his army.  It went over well.
Then he slowly poisoned their leader Lehonti
And became their leader after Lehonti died.
Then Amalickiah led them back as a group
And the king met them, not knowing it was a coup.
The king was stabbed by one of Amalickiah’s men
And when the guards ran Amalickiah blamed them.
All the guards kept running until they left the land
And decided they’d join the people of Ammon.
Since Amalickiah had his men chase the guards,
His deception worked and he gained the people’s hearts.
Finally, this man married the Lamanite queen
And his plan was complete.  He had become the king.
Though his men were raised with the gospel as Nephites
They were even more wicked than the Lamanites.

Alma 48
Now that he was king over all the Lamanites,
Amalickiah sought to rule over the Nephites.
He had men on towers give speeches to convince
His people that they must fight the Nephites and they’d win.
While Amalickiah had gotten power through lies,
Captain Moroni prepared his people’s hearts and minds.
He had them build barriers around their cities
And strengthened their fortifications that once were weak.
Captain Moroni was a strong and mighty man.
Though he didn’t care for blood he’d fight for freedom.
He had sworn an oath to defend the things he loved.
He had faith in Christ; he knew they’d get help from God.
If all men had been and would ever be like him
The powers of hell would be forever shaken.
He was like Alma and all of Mosiah’s sons.
Their hearts changed and they were men of God, every one.

Alma 49
First, the Lamanites advanced toward Ammonihah,
Thinking it was weak since they had destroyed it once.
They were disappointed.  The Nephites dug a wall
That was impenetrable because it was so tall.
The Lamanites had armor and clothing—they weren’t bare—
But, again, the Nephites were even more prepared.
Seeing how they’d followed Moroni’s instructions
Amalickiah’s captains didn’t dare to fight them.
They retreated and marched toward the land of Noah
They were shocked.  It was stronger than Ammonihah.
Once the city was the weakest part of the land
But they’d been prepared so that they could make a stand.
They were led by Lehi.  The Lamanites feared him,
Thanks to his courage at the battle of Sidon.
Still, their men attacked!  They were hit from every side.
But they didn’t retreat ‘til their Chief Captains died.
Though they lost a thousand, their foes did not lose one.
When he heard the news Amalickiah was undone.
Meanwhile, Nephites offered the Lord their praise and laud
And prospered since they were heeding the word of God.

Alma 50
Moroni didn’t waste time after this victory.
He made sure the Nephites strengthened all their cities.
First they dug up ridges of dirt around them all,
Then they would place timbers on the top of this wall.
Above that were pickets that were both strong and tall,
Nearby, men on towers caused assailants to fall.
Every day Captain Moroni’s armies increased,
Thanks to the faith that men had in his strategy.
The Nephites prospered—they were rich and good and kind.
And some said there never was a happier time.
That was in the 21st year of the judges. 
In three years contention came all of a sudden.
Nephites in two cities fought over a land dispute.
One of their leaders was a man of ill-repute.
Named Morianton, he knew he was in the wrong.
He wanted to flee and have his men come along.
His plan might have worked but, thanks to his bad temper,
Word got out when he cruelly beat his servant girl.
She told Moroni of their plans and so he sent
Teancum to stop them—one of his toughest men.
Those who were brought back after they suffered defeat
Could go to their homes if they’d take an oath of peace.
That same year, Chief Judge Nephihah died, so his son
Became the next chief judge.  His name was Pahoran.

Alma 51
When there was contention over points of the law
Pahoran stayed strong.  He would not change it at all.
Those who wanted changes wanted to have a king
They were called king-men and wanted to be ruling
Freemen, by contrast, wished to preserve liberty
When the people voted more wanted to stay free.
This was horrible timing for such contentions—
Their foes were preparing for war with diligence.
In the 25th year the Lamanites came down
The king-men were all glad and refused to take up arms.
Moroni was irate.  He sent a petition
Asking for the pow’r to kill dissenters, every one.
His request was granted.  He marched his army forth
And those who resisted were hewn down by the sword.
All the rest gave in and promised that they would fight
And defend their country against the Lamanites.
Due to this distraction, Amalickiah’s men
Could enter several cities and take possession.
They wanted to take Bountiful but they were shocked
When Teancum’s warriors met them and they were stopped.
All his men exceeded their foes in skill and strength
And were beating them but the day was getting late.
So they pitched their tents and late that night in the dark
Teancum put a javelin in their king’s heart.
This all happened, causing the Lamanites to fear
On the very last day of the 25th year.

Alma 52
When the Lamanites found Amalickiah dead
They retreated quickly, for they were filled with dread.
With their king and leader, Amalickiah, gone
They replaced him with his kid brother Ammoron.
Ammoron had armies scattered throughout the land,
So Moroni held a council with all his captains.
When he found they couldn’t convince the Lamanites
To come out with their armies and have a fair fight,
Captain Moroni knew he’d need to have a plan.
So he sent Teancum with a small group of men.
Since their group was small it was meant to lure them out
While men took back Mulek.  It worked!  It was a rout.
Those who followed Teancum soon felt terrified
When met with an army that was led by Lehi.
They were running with all their might back to Mulek
When their wearied troops met Captain Moroni’s men.
Though exhausted, the Lamanites fought with great strength
But they were surrounded and surrendered at length.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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