Sunday, September 13, 2020

3 Nephi 8-11

 3 Nephi 8

Four days after the 34th year had begun

There arose a storm that affected everyone.

There was thunder, lightning and earthquakes all around

Some cities caught fire and other cities were drowned.

Terrible destruction changed the face of the land

And many people died in only three hours’ span.

Afterward, a thick vapor of darkness arrived 

And for three whole days they could not see any light.

No fires could be lit—not a candle or a torch.

So, for those three days, all the people wept and mourned,

“Oh, that we had repented and had been prepared

“Then so many of our loved ones would have been spared.”


3 Nephi 9

While the darkness lingered the people heard a voice,

“Due to your great sins the devil’s angels rejoice.

“Whether water, fires or earth destroyed these cities, 

“It was in order to hide their iniquities.

“All of you who’ve been spared, won’t you return to me?

“Repent!  I’m still extending my arm of mercy.

“I am Jesus Christ and I am the Son of God.

“I came to my own but my own received me not.

“Any who receive me become the sons of God.

“All who believe on my name receive redemption.

“I am the light and life of the world for all men.

“I am both the beginning and I am the end.

“With my sacrifice, Moses’ law is now fulfilled.

“So for your off’rings blood should no longer be spilled.

“Instead, your sacrifice will be a broken heart—

“This and a contrite spirit will be a great start.

“If you have these two things I’ll baptize you with fire

“And the Holy Ghost will then be yours to acquire.”


3 Nephi 10

After hearing these words for hours there was silence.

Then a voice was heard speaking to them all again,

“Oh ye people, how oft would I have gathered you

“Just as any mother hen would gather her brood.

“And, if you repent and you return unto me

“I will gather you, like a hen under her wings.”

When the darkness dispersed and all the earthquakes stopped

All the mourning turned into joy and thanks to God.

They could see that righteous people had not been killed

And, in the destruction, they saw scripture fulfilled.


3 Nephi 11

All around the temple a multitude gathered

Marveling at all that had happened and they’d heard.

Soon they heard a small voice that pierced them to their core

They couldn’t understand it but they’d hear it twice more.

It was not until they looked and opened their ears

That they understood the words that they all could hear,

“Behold my Beloved Son.  I am so pleased with him.

“Hear ye him.”  They looked up and saw a man just then.

He addressed the crowd, he was outfitted in white,

“I am Jesus Christ, the world’s life and its light.

“For the Father’s glory I bore the world’s sins

“And drank from the bitter cup that I was given.”

They fell to the earth when they realized who he was.

“Arise.  Come to me.  See what I have done in love.”

It took time but he had the entire crowd come

So they all could see and feel his wounds, one by one.

“Hosanna!  Blessed be our God!” they shouted then

And they all knelt down at his feet and worshipped him.

Then he called Nephi, gave him power to baptize

And explained to him, “You shall baptize on this wise—

“All who desire it and are willing to repent

“Should be baptized in Jesus’ name by immersion.”

He revealed the exact words that one should say

When baptizing others and shared the proper way.

“There should be no fighting about this among you

“About baptism as there have been, hitherto.

“Anyone who has the spirit of contention

“Is of the devil, who stirs up the hearts of men.”

Then the Savior taught the crowd the doctrine of Christ—

That, in order to be saved, we must be baptized.

“Build your lives on this doctrine, just like on a rock.

“You’ll stay strong when life is hard.  You’ll receive “no shock.

“But those who don’t are on a sandy foundation.

“They will fall when floods or waves come and beat “on them.”


 © 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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