Sunday, November 15, 2020

Ether 6-11

 Ether 6

Here Moroni shared more about the Jaredites.

Those sixteen stones worked and gave all the barges light.

After they had gathered their flocks and herds and food

They left and never stopped expressing gratitude.

God produced a wind that would blow them on their way.

Their journey took them 344 days.

When they finally made it to the promised land

They gave thanks for the tender mercies God gave them.

Then they all went forth and began to till the earth

And their families grew larger as each wife gave birth.

They were taught to humbly walk and began to spread.

Knowing he would soon die, the brother of Jared

Asked his brother to gather their women and men.

They asked all the people what was desired of them.

Their people requested that one son be named king.

Both brothers were grieved that they’d request such a thing.

Though they felt that it would lead to captivity

They let their people choose Orihah as their king.

While he reigned both Jared and his brother would die.

Their king walked humbly and God blessed the Jaredites.


Ether 7

Though Orihah and his son Kib reigned righteously,

Kib’s rebellious son gathered himself an army.

He took his dad captive.  For many years he’d rule

But while in prison, Kib begat a son named Shule.

Shule was angry with his brother, King Corihor.

He gathered an army and armed his men with swords.

He won back the kingdom and later became king

And, like his grandfather he governed righteously.

But his nephew, Noah, a son of Corihor,

Drew many away, such as his brother, Cohor.

He gave battle to Shule and would take him captive

But Shule’s sons crept into the house to come save him.

They slew Noah and placed their father on his throne.

Meanwhile Noah’s son built a kingdom of his own.

The country was divided between Shule and Cohor.

This would not last long, Cohor was soon killed in war.

Cohor’s son, Nimrod, gave the kingdom back to Shule.

He received great favors under his monarch’s rule.

It was at this point in time that prophets were sent

Saying, “You’ll be destroyed if you do not repent.”

Thanks to Shule’s support the people listened to them

They repented and began to prosper again.


Ether 8

Shule’s grandson undoubtedly made his father sad—

He rebelled and took half the kingdom from his dad.

He kept his father, Omer, in captivity

But Omer’s other sons would set their father free.

They were mad at their brother, Jared, and fought him.

When he nearly died Jared gave back the kingdom.

Seeing how her father sorrowed for what was lost,

His daughter would win it back, no matter the cost.

She went before Akish and when he saw her dance

He asked for her hand in marriage; this was her plan.

Jared told Akish, “You can marry my daughter

“Only if you’ll bring me the head of my father.”

Akish formed a band—a secret combination—

Just the kind that led to the Nephites’ destruction.

Every secret combination plays the same role:

Overthrowing freedom in all lands.  That’s the goal.

Any nation that will uphold such corruption

Will, like the Nephites, be subject to destruction.


Ether 9

Akish succeeded—his band made Jared the king—

But Omer escaped.  God had warned him in a dream.

Being the king’s son-in-law must not have been enough

Akish wanted more; he had become so corrupt.

So he had his friends murder his father-in-law

And then he, himself, became king over them all.

Omer and his family settled by the seashore

But, in time, they’d come back after a lengthy war.

Though the king, Akish grew so jealous of his son

That he had him starved to death, stuck in a prison.

Akish had more sons, one of whom fled to Omer.

All the rest began a war against their father.

After many years only 30 souls remained

That’s when Omer came back and once again would reign.

When Emer became king he filled his father’s steps,

He ruled righteously and the Jaredites were blessed.

His son, Coriantum, reigned next in righteousness.

He was followed by Com, who was followed by Heth.

Wickedness was widespread.  People forgot the Lord.

Heth dethroned his dad and killed him with his own sword.

Prophets warned the people, calling them to repent.

They would not listen.  God sent famine and serpents.

Many people perished and it was only then

That they repented and God ended the famine.





Ether 10

Only one survivor from Heth’s family remained.

He rebuilt the kingdom and virtuously reigned.

While he ruled King Shez walked in the ways of the Lord

But two of his sons made mistakes we can’t ignore.

Shez, his eldest son, rebelled against his father

But then he was killed by the hand of a robber.

Riplakish reigned next after Shez had passed away

His ego and cruelty earned his people’s hate.

After forty two years of his taxes and sins,

They rebelled and would eventually kill him.

Riplakish had a descendant, Morianton,

Who came back later and fought till the throne was won.

He would ease their burdens and earned the people’s trust

But the choices he made for himself were not just.

Morianton’s downfall was immorality.

His successor, Kim, would rule in iniquity.

Kim’s brother imprisoned him.  That’s where Kim would stay

With his sons and daughters for the rest of his days.

His son Levi fought and he won the kingdom back.

He was righteous and got the kingdom back on track.

Corom, Kish and Lib were the kings who would come next.

Each of them were good and all their people were blessed.

But Lib’s son Hearthom was placed in captivity

And for four generations that’s where they would be.

Finally, his great-great-great grandson would fight back

And for years Com refused to give up the attack.

When he beat King Amgid and regained the kingdom,

Robbers were the source of problems for everyone.

















Ether 11

Prophets warned the people, if they did not repent,

They would be destroyed because of their wickedness.

Though they were rejected, King Com protected them

And his days were blessed as he listened to those men.

Shiblom would reign next.  His brother started a war

And killed all the prophets.  Destruction was in store.

All the contentions, pestilences and famines

Would eventually get the people to repent.

When Shiblom was killed his son Seth was imprisoned,

But the kingdom was won back by his wicked son.

Aha’s life was short, he was followed by Ethem.

He was wicked too, so prophets came to warn him.

Nobody would listen, and Ethem’s son, Moron,

Was also wicked and witnessed two rebellions.

Though he won the first fight he would, ultimately,

Spend all the rest of his days in captivity.

His son, Coriantor, spent his days in prison

At which time prophets again warned of destruction.

One such prophet, Ether, was Coriantor’s son.

Their words were, again, rejected by everyone.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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