Sunday, December 20, 2020

Moroni 10

 Moroni 10

Just before Moroni would seal the records up

He made sure that we’d know reading is not enough.

“Ponder the Lord’s mercy, then ask if this book’s true.

“Ask with faith and real intent; He’ll show the truth to you.

“It will be made known to you by the Holy Ghost.

“He’ll reveal the truth about anything of note.”

Then Moroni taught us about spiritual gifts,

“Each gift comes from God, given that all may profit.

“Some can teach, some have faith, some have the gift to heal,

“Some work miracles, others know angels are real,

“Some can prophesy, others speak or understand

“Foreign tongues.  The Lord gives these gifts to every man.

“If these gifts are absent, it’s due to unbelief.”

Next Moroni wrote of faith, hope and charity

They are all connected.  We should strive for all three

If we hope to be saved for they’re necessary.

“Remember my words,” Moroni tells us, “You must!

“I’ve left them for you as one speaking from the dust.

“God shall show you that all that I’ve written is true.

“Come to Christ. Don’t touch unclean things, I exhort you.

“Awake from the dust, Zion, and strengthen your stakes.

“Love the Lord with all of your might, your mind and strength.

“If we love Him and avoid all ungodliness

“We’ve been told that His grace is sufficient for us.

“Through the Savior’s blood we’ll be holy, without spot.

“Now I bid you farewell, I go to rest with God.”




© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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