Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Alma 39-42

Alma 39

This next chapter is written for Corianton.

Alma was extremely worried about this son,

“You did not heed my words among the Zoramites

“And went on to boast of your wisdom and your might.

“Even worse, you left.  You forsook the ministry

“To which you had been called as a missionary.”

What had made him leave?  He’d fallen under the spell

Of a wicked woman whose name was Isabel.

“There is no excuse for this,” Alma told his son,

“Immorality is an abomination!

“It is only second to what offends God most:

“Murder and when someone denies the Holy Ghost.

“I would avoid talking about this if I could,

“But I can’t!  This advice is only for your good.

“You can’t hide from God.  If you do not change your ways,

“You’ll be judged for all of your sins at the last day.

“Now, my son, repent and give heed to your brothers.

“Remember, your sins were confusing to others.

“Many of the Zoramites were quite bewildered.

“When they saw your conduct, they would not hear my words.”

Then Alma began talking about Jesus Christ,

“When it comes to sin He will come to pay the price.

“These are the glad tidings you were called to declare.

“God has told us long beforehand to make it fair—

“It would not be just if He only told the ones

“Who would be alive during the life of His son.”


Alma 40

In this chapter, Alma would teach Corianton

What we can expect during the resurrection.

“I’ve prayed diligently about this,” Alma said,

“This is when all mankind will come forth from the dead.

“When this will take place, nobody can know but God,

“And the number of times it happens matters not.

“An angel has told me that after all men die,

“They are taken home to that God who gave them life.

“Spirits who were righteous will dwell in happiness,

“While the wicked ones will be in outer darkness.

“They'll stay here till the Resurrection makes them whole,

“And their bodies are reunited with their souls. 

“Our bodies will be perfect; nothing will be lost!

“And we’ll then be taken to be judged before God.”

Alma 41

To clear up confusion, Alma would then explain

Something in the scriptures that had led some astray.

While it’s true that we will all be resurrected,

Good will only be given to those who’ve been good.

Some mistakenly think that even if they’re bad,

That somehow they’ll still live with God and will feel glad.

Whatever we’ve done in life we will have restored;

Evil people will have evil as their reward.

This is what some have called the law of the harvest.

Remember— wickedness never was happiness.

Alma 42

Corianton wondered how this plan could be fair.

Alma then explained life’s purpose: it’s to prepare.

We are cut off from the Lord’s presence, one and all,

And we need a Savior because of Adam’s Fall.

That’s why Jesus came— to perform the atonement,

So we can return to God after we repent.

Alma told his son, “I want you to understand

“Mercy can appease all of justice’s demands.

“So you needn’t worry; just repent of your sins. 

“Now, my son, you are called to preach my word again."

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

Monday, July 13, 2020

Alma 36-38

Chapter 36
These next two chapters are addressed to Helaman.
He was still a youth and was Alma’s oldest son.
Alma first recounted his conversion to him:
How he was rebellious but that all ended when
A holy angel said in a thunderous voice,
“Leave God’s church alone, though you choose to be destroyed.”
Alma then shared how for the next three days and nights
He was stripped of his strength, his vision and his sight.
“In this state, I remembered all my many sins
“And was tormented for misleading God’s children.
“As I felt this pain, I recalled the sacrifice
“That my dad had told me would be performed by Christ.
“‘Jesus, please have mercy,’ I cried within my heart,
“And in that moment, my pain started to depart.
“I beheld a light and sweet joy replaced my pain.
“Before very long, my strength came to me again.
“And from that time on, I have labored without cease, 
“To help others repent so they can feel this peace.
“Now my son, remember that God delivered me
“Just as he helped our ancestors cross the Red Sea.”

Chapter 37
Alma then passed these records on to Helaman 
Saying, “They’re sacred and kept for a wise reason.
“Prophets say that one day these scriptures will go forth
“Unto every nation and people of the earth.
“Though you might suppose that I’m foolish or just rash, 
“Small and simple things often bring great things to pass.”
He was right!  This record, though it’s simple and small
Has gone forth throughout the whole earth as proof to all.
Alma then shared three reasons that we need scripture:
To help us know God, remember and fix errors.
Alma shared more advice, all of which is still true,
“Remember, my son, to learn wisdom in thy youth.
“Cry to God and counsel with Him in all you do.
“He’ll direct you for good and keep watch over you.”
Then Alma discussed how the Liahona showed
The correct direction their forefathers should go. 
But if they were slothful or let their faith grow less,
The compass stopped working so they could not progress.
Like the Liahona, we have the words of Christ.
If we heed them we will receive eternal life.
Sure, the scriptures seem small—they’re easy to neglect—
But they are essential to becoming elect.
Like the Israelites, we need to be attentive
Our serpent is the scriptures.  If we look, we’ll live.

Chapter 38
Chapter 38 is directed to Shiblon.  
Alma trusted that he’d have great joy in this son.
Shiblon had shown his strength among the Zoramites
Showing patience when he was jailed and stoned in spite.
Then Alma shared how he’d been converted again, How he had received a remission of his sins,
“Three whole days of anguish certainly took its toll,
“But I cried to Jesus and found peace to my soul.
“He’s the only way.  He’s this world’s life and its light.
“Behold, he is the word of truth and of what’s right.
“Keep on teaching,” he urged his son, “Be diligent!
“And be sure you don’t boast, no matter where you’re sent.
“Use boldness but try to avoid overbearance.
“You’ll be filled with love if you bridle your passions.”

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Alma 32-35

Chapter 32
As the missionaries went forth from door to door,
They had more success with the people who were poor.
When they came and asked Alma, “What are we to do?”
Alma said, “You’re blessed!  Poverty has humbled you!
“Listen to my words and experiment on them
“In the way that you’d plant a seed in your garden.
“Just as seeds need nourishing, water, soil & light,
“You must tend the word with your patience and your might.
“You are showing faith if you go through this process
“Since you act on hope without a perfect knowledge.
 “Over time, you’ll know of the goodness of the seed
“If you find its fruit sweet above all that is sweet.
“So it is with my words.  Act on them and you’ll see
“They will feed your soul and make you truly happy!”

Chapter 33
Alma’s words made his listeners happy and they asked,
“Where can we worship so that your words come to pass?”
For a synagogue these poor people were in search,
Since the richer people had cast them out of church.
“You think you can only worship in church?  You err!
“You can worship God anytime and anywhere!”
Alma then shared scriptures from Zenos and Zenock
About prayer and how the Lord’s merciful to us.
Wherever he prayed, in his closet or his field,
God heard Zenos and answered all of his appeals.
Alma then recalled how Moses raised up a type
All who looked would be healed it if was in their sight.
It’s the same for us, like the type that was lifted,
All we have to do is look to Christ and we’ll live.

Chapter 34
Alma sat down so Amulek could testify
That his words were true about faith and Jesus Christ.
“All mankind would perish if He hadn’t paid the price
“And atoned for us—the great and last sacrifice.
“This is the reason the Law of Moses was sent:
“To help us think of Jesus’ future atonement.
“He sacrificed his life!  That was what His life was for.”
(That’s why we don’t sacrifice animals anymore!)
“In order to benefit from His atonement,
“We must exercise faith in Him and then repent.
“The best way to begin this process is to pray.
“Do it anywhere and at any time of day.
“Pray to God for mercy.  That’s a great place to start. 
“Even when you can’t pray aloud, pray in your heart.
“But, remember, all of your prayers are void and null
“If you turn down chances to be charitable.
 “Please, my brethren, don’t procrastinate anymore!
“This life is the time our labors must be performed.
“If you delay repentance I can promise this:
“You’ll be subjected to the devil!  You’ll be his.
“Brethren, if you bear your rejection with patience
“One day you shall rest from all of these afflictions.”

Chapter 35
After saying this, Amulek and Alma went
To the land in which the People of Ammon lived.
To their horror, they learned that Zoramites who dared
To believe their words and the message they had shared
Had all been cast out of their homeland, so they fled
To Jershon, where Alma made sure they were well fed.
All the Zoramites who remained were quite upset,
“Cast them out or we’ll fight you!” was one of their threats.
But the People of Ammon weren’t afraid at all.
They ignored the threats.  The Zoramites were appalled.
So they joined the Lamanites and prepared for war—
All this to make sure the believers suffered more!
Alma’s heart was grieved that there was fighting again.
He gathered his sons so that he could counsel them.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

Monday, July 6, 2020

Alma 30-31

Chapter 30
In the 16th year there was peace throughout the land,
But that ended with the arrival of a man.
He was Anti-Christ, just like Sherem and Nehor,
And his preaching shook many members to the core.
This man, Korihor, taught that Jesus wouldn’t come
Saying, “All believers are foolish, frenzied, dumb!
“You cannot know anything that you cannot see,
“So you can’t know that Christ will come with surety.”
He taught many more such things as he passed his time,
Saying there was no afterlife, nor was there crime.
He was free to preach this, though it gave members grief,
Because there was no law against a man’s belief. 
When he went to Jershon the people of Ammon
Recognized the damage that his teachings had done.
They jailed Korihor and exiled him from their land
So he tried his luck in the land of Gideon.
They were also wise and they soon had heard enough.
They sent Korihor to the judge and locked him up.
When the judge, Giddonah, saw how hard his heart was,
He sent Korihor to the chief judge and Alma.
Korihor claimed that priests exploited church members.
“No!” Alma replied, “Priests have not been paid, ever!
“Our only motive in preaching is to rejoice
“When our brethren repent and listen to God’s voice.”
When Korihor said he did not believe in God
Alma then explained why atheism is flawed.
“Everything—the earth and planets with their motion—
“Prove that they’re under a loving God’s direction.
“What evidence do you have for your unbelief?
“I say you have none, save it be your word only!”
Korihor refused to believe without a sign,
So God struck him dumb and he was mute from that time.
Korihor then wrote a confession of his fraud,
“Really, I have always known that there was a God.
“But the devil tricked me, he appeared unto me
“And I spread his message because it was pleasing.”
Then Korihor asked Alma to remove the curse,
Alma told him no, this curse wouldn’t be reversed,
“If the curse was taken, you would go preach some more!”
Korihor was cast out and begged from door to door.
While begging, he was run over and left for dead.
Satan doesn’t support his children—not one bit!

Chapter 31
Korihor was trodden down by the Zoramites,
People who had deserted the church out of spite.
Alma’s heart felt sick when he heard of these people.
Whose leader, Zoram, had them worshipping idols.
Even worse, he worried that soon the Zoramites
Would unite against them and join the Lamanites.
So Alma decided to try to preach God’s word
Since it had proven more powerful than the sword.
Several others joined him who felt as Alma did.
They were shocked to see how the Zoramites worshipped.
Once a week they all gathered at the synagogue,
Where they’d each deliver a haughty monologue.
Each would climb to the top of the Rameumptum
And say the same prayer to be heard by everyone,
“Holy God, we thank thee that thou hast chosen us
“So we won’t believe in the coming of Jesus.
“It was handed down by our fathers long ago,
But it’s just a foolish tradition.  This we know.”
Alma’s heart was grieved to see this and so he cried,
“Lord, how long must we see such wickedness and pride?
“Give me strength, O Lord.  Please comfort my soul in Christ,
“Give success to all my brethren who’ve sacrificed.
“Lord, their souls are precious, we need to help them see!
“Please give us the power to bring them back to thee.”
 After Alma prayed, he blessed each of his brethren,
And they all went forth, with strength to bear afflictions.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes