Sunday, July 12, 2020

Alma 32-35

Chapter 32
As the missionaries went forth from door to door,
They had more success with the people who were poor.
When they came and asked Alma, “What are we to do?”
Alma said, “You’re blessed!  Poverty has humbled you!
“Listen to my words and experiment on them
“In the way that you’d plant a seed in your garden.
“Just as seeds need nourishing, water, soil & light,
“You must tend the word with your patience and your might.
“You are showing faith if you go through this process
“Since you act on hope without a perfect knowledge.
 “Over time, you’ll know of the goodness of the seed
“If you find its fruit sweet above all that is sweet.
“So it is with my words.  Act on them and you’ll see
“They will feed your soul and make you truly happy!”

Chapter 33
Alma’s words made his listeners happy and they asked,
“Where can we worship so that your words come to pass?”
For a synagogue these poor people were in search,
Since the richer people had cast them out of church.
“You think you can only worship in church?  You err!
“You can worship God anytime and anywhere!”
Alma then shared scriptures from Zenos and Zenock
About prayer and how the Lord’s merciful to us.
Wherever he prayed, in his closet or his field,
God heard Zenos and answered all of his appeals.
Alma then recalled how Moses raised up a type
All who looked would be healed it if was in their sight.
It’s the same for us, like the type that was lifted,
All we have to do is look to Christ and we’ll live.

Chapter 34
Alma sat down so Amulek could testify
That his words were true about faith and Jesus Christ.
“All mankind would perish if He hadn’t paid the price
“And atoned for us—the great and last sacrifice.
“This is the reason the Law of Moses was sent:
“To help us think of Jesus’ future atonement.
“He sacrificed his life!  That was what His life was for.”
(That’s why we don’t sacrifice animals anymore!)
“In order to benefit from His atonement,
“We must exercise faith in Him and then repent.
“The best way to begin this process is to pray.
“Do it anywhere and at any time of day.
“Pray to God for mercy.  That’s a great place to start. 
“Even when you can’t pray aloud, pray in your heart.
“But, remember, all of your prayers are void and null
“If you turn down chances to be charitable.
 “Please, my brethren, don’t procrastinate anymore!
“This life is the time our labors must be performed.
“If you delay repentance I can promise this:
“You’ll be subjected to the devil!  You’ll be his.
“Brethren, if you bear your rejection with patience
“One day you shall rest from all of these afflictions.”

Chapter 35
After saying this, Amulek and Alma went
To the land in which the People of Ammon lived.
To their horror, they learned that Zoramites who dared
To believe their words and the message they had shared
Had all been cast out of their homeland, so they fled
To Jershon, where Alma made sure they were well fed.
All the Zoramites who remained were quite upset,
“Cast them out or we’ll fight you!” was one of their threats.
But the People of Ammon weren’t afraid at all.
They ignored the threats.  The Zoramites were appalled.
So they joined the Lamanites and prepared for war—
All this to make sure the believers suffered more!
Alma’s heart was grieved that there was fighting again.
He gathered his sons so that he could counsel them.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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