Monday, July 13, 2020

Alma 36-38

Chapter 36
These next two chapters are addressed to Helaman.
He was still a youth and was Alma’s oldest son.
Alma first recounted his conversion to him:
How he was rebellious but that all ended when
A holy angel said in a thunderous voice,
“Leave God’s church alone, though you choose to be destroyed.”
Alma then shared how for the next three days and nights
He was stripped of his strength, his vision and his sight.
“In this state, I remembered all my many sins
“And was tormented for misleading God’s children.
“As I felt this pain, I recalled the sacrifice
“That my dad had told me would be performed by Christ.
“‘Jesus, please have mercy,’ I cried within my heart,
“And in that moment, my pain started to depart.
“I beheld a light and sweet joy replaced my pain.
“Before very long, my strength came to me again.
“And from that time on, I have labored without cease, 
“To help others repent so they can feel this peace.
“Now my son, remember that God delivered me
“Just as he helped our ancestors cross the Red Sea.”

Chapter 37
Alma then passed these records on to Helaman 
Saying, “They’re sacred and kept for a wise reason.
“Prophets say that one day these scriptures will go forth
“Unto every nation and people of the earth.
“Though you might suppose that I’m foolish or just rash, 
“Small and simple things often bring great things to pass.”
He was right!  This record, though it’s simple and small
Has gone forth throughout the whole earth as proof to all.
Alma then shared three reasons that we need scripture:
To help us know God, remember and fix errors.
Alma shared more advice, all of which is still true,
“Remember, my son, to learn wisdom in thy youth.
“Cry to God and counsel with Him in all you do.
“He’ll direct you for good and keep watch over you.”
Then Alma discussed how the Liahona showed
The correct direction their forefathers should go. 
But if they were slothful or let their faith grow less,
The compass stopped working so they could not progress.
Like the Liahona, we have the words of Christ.
If we heed them we will receive eternal life.
Sure, the scriptures seem small—they’re easy to neglect—
But they are essential to becoming elect.
Like the Israelites, we need to be attentive
Our serpent is the scriptures.  If we look, we’ll live.

Chapter 38
Chapter 38 is directed to Shiblon.  
Alma trusted that he’d have great joy in this son.
Shiblon had shown his strength among the Zoramites
Showing patience when he was jailed and stoned in spite.
Then Alma shared how he’d been converted again, How he had received a remission of his sins,
“Three whole days of anguish certainly took its toll,
“But I cried to Jesus and found peace to my soul.
“He’s the only way.  He’s this world’s life and its light.
“Behold, he is the word of truth and of what’s right.
“Keep on teaching,” he urged his son, “Be diligent!
“And be sure you don’t boast, no matter where you’re sent.
“Use boldness but try to avoid overbearance.
“You’ll be filled with love if you bridle your passions.”

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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