Sunday, February 2, 2020

2 Nephi 1-5

2 Nephi 1
Lehi also prophesied of the Promised Land.
He said they would prosper if they kept God’s command.
But, he warned, if they dwindled in iniquity
They’d be smitten, scattered, and in captivity.
He pled with his sons that they’d listen and awake
From the sleep of sin, for their souls’ and families’ sake.
He said to his older sons, whose lives were such a mess, 
“Arise from the dust!  Arm yourselves with righteousness!”
He worried that someday, their children would be cursed
Unless they repented and humbled themselves, first. 
They’d receive his blessing if they followed Nephi
But, if they rebelled, that blessing would be denied.

2 Nephi 2
Lehi told young Jacob, that though life brings us pain
All our trials and our afflictions will be for our gain.
“Jacob, you’ll be safe if you just follow Nephi.
“Serve God all your days!—You’ll be redeemed if you try!” 
He explained the difficulties life so often brings:
So that there can be opposition in all things.
Lehi taught of Satan and how he came to be.
Once an angel, he rebelled and, later, tempted Eve.  
He appeared to her in the Garden as a snake. 
Saying the forbidden fruit was good to partake.
They partook and, though they seemed to fall for Satan’s ploy, 
Adam fell that men might be and men are to have joy.
If they hadn’t eaten they would not have progressed—
None of us would be here and with families have been blessed.

2 Nephi 3
Lehi spoke with Joseph, who was his youngest son,
“If you keep God’s laws you’ll be blessed in the long run.”
Lehi shared that Joseph in Egypt had foretold
Of how Joseph Smith would translate the plates of gold.
And The Book of Mormon would go forth to all men.
Partnered with the Bible, it would clarify doctrine. 
Just as Moses freed his people from captivity
This book freed men from the ignorance of centuries!
Just as Aaron acted as a spokesman for Moses
Oliver Cowdery would often speak for Joseph.
Though he would be given trials that seemed too hard to take,
Joseph would be strong, just like both of his namesakes.

2 Nephi 4
Once Lehi had finished all that he wanted to say,
He blessed his grandchildren and then he passed away.
Nephi found the scriptures a source of great delight
And he hoped his children would read the things he’d write.  
Though he had seen great things, Nephi felt he was flawed
He had made mistakes that led him away from God.
But whenever he felt depressed about his sins,
Nephi thought of the endless love God felt for him. 
If we trust in God and we keep our souls awake
He will redeem us, even when we make mistakes.
He can save us!  All of our enemies He’ll fight
If our hearts are broken and our spirits are contrite.

2 Nephi 5
Sadly, not long after their father, Lehi, died,
Both Laman and Lemuel wanted to kill Nephi.
Sam, Jacob, and Joseph joined Nephi’s family
In the wilderness when God told them to flee.
Those who chose to stay behind were called Lamanites.
From that time on they would claim Nephi stole their rights.
Those who followed Nephi would call themselves Nephites.
And, as you’ll soon see, these two groups would always fight. 
Nephi’s people worked hard and were industrious.
Such a lifestyle is a sure way to happiness.
God wanted them to worship Him in a temple.
So they built it and were blessed.  It’s just that simple.
But, unlike the Nephites, the Lamanites were idle.
Their hatred of the Nephites became genocidal!
Because they rebelled, all the Lamanites were cursed. 
But, if they repented, the curse could be reversed.

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