Monday, January 27, 2020

1 Nephi 16-22

1 Nephi 16
Laman was upset by the words that Nephi spake
That’s ‘cause, for the wicked, the truth is hard to take. 
As the family traveled, God sent a ball of brass
Called the Liahona.  It helped them carve a path.
It worked like a compass and showed the way to go.
But when they were wicked, the markers wouldn’t show.
This is like the Spirit.  He helps us find our way—
As long as we’re righteous—so we don’t go astray.
When his steel bow broke, Nephi couldn’t hunt for meat.
Soon his family murmured because they couldn’t eat.
Though Nephi was hungry, he stayed in a good mood. 
When he prayed for help, the Lord helped him to find food.
When you have a problem, feel sick or are in pain
Go to God in prayer—it won’t help if you complain!

1 Nephi 17
For eight years they followed the Liahona’s signs.
As they went, they learned to trust God and not to whine.
When they reached the sea, God told Nephi, “Build a ship.”
Though his brothers mocked him, Nephi refused to quit.
“Just as God helped Moses in parting the Red Sea,
“He can show the way to construct a ship to me!”
God gave Nephi power to shock them with his hand,
So his brothers helped him to follow God’s command.

1 Nephi 18
With the Lord’s assistance, the ship was soon complete.
Even Laman had to admit that it was neat!
That’s ‘cause Nephi went hiking nearly every day
To be on a mountain, alone, so he could pray.
In response, Nephi said the Lord showed him great things.
If we pray like Nephi we’ll get those same blessings.
While they had been trav’ling Lehi had two more sons
Named Jacob and Joseph—now their family was done.
Lehi and his family set sail, trusting God’s hand
Would direct their ship so they’d find the Promised Land.
As they journeyed, some of them were acting like jerks.
They were shocked when the Liahona wouldn’t work.
They tied Nephi up when he told them not to sin.
They would not release him till a storm nearly killed them!

1 Nephi 19
Right after they landed, Nephi made plates of ore.
They’d contain his people’s ministry and much more.
God told him that in six hundred years Christ would come
And of how the Jews would reject Him—God’s own Son!
Nephi told his brothers these things of Christ, the Lord.
And to fully persuade them, he shared Isaiah’s word. 

1 Nephi 20
This prophet, Isaiah, lived long before Nephi.
He was from the same hometown and also prophesied.
He would often write from the Savior’s point of view.
Nephi quoted his words and tells us they are true:
My people have necks made of iron and brass brows
This means that they don’t pray!—Their heads refuse to bow!
Though you have afflictions, they will refine you, yet. 
We can grow from all of the trials that we get.
Hearken unto me, all my commandments are sure.
Then, I promise, your peace will be as a river.
If we trust in God and obey His commandments
We’ll be blessed with peace; our trials won’t seem so intense.

1 Nephi 21
Isaiah shared more of God’s message and commands.
I will not forget you, you’re graven on my hands!
Just like any parent, God loves us—everyone.
Never doubt His love!  You’re His daughter or His son.
I will fight for you and deliver your children 
So your enemies know that I’m the Mighty One.
If we do what’s right, Heavenly Father’s on our side!—
Even if we’re mocked, someday we’ll be justified.

1 Nephi 22
After Nephi stopped reading these words to his kin
They wanted to know what the words had meant to him.
Nephi felt the twelve tribes would soon forget their worth
And, someday, be scattered and lost throughout the earth
But, thanks to the founding of the United States,
God’s church would be restored and set the record straight. 
As the gospel spreads forth to the children of men
All the tribes of Israel will learn the truth again.
Though there will be wars and persecution all around
God will shield His people; the devil will be bound.

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