Sunday, January 5, 2020

1 Nephi 1-7

1 Nephi 1

Well before he explained his record’s true intent, 
Nephi made it known that he had goodly parents.
Sariah was his mother and Lehi was his dad.
His brothers were named Laman, Lemuel and Sam.
Lehi was a prophet in old Jerusalem.
One day God told Lehi to prophesy to them.
When the people heard that they needed to repent
They rejected him and the message God had sent.
Don’t you worry!  God protected his family.
All His chosen people receive tender mercies.

1 Nephi 2
Lehi soon decided his family couldn’t stay;
God had warned him that his loved ones were in harm’s way.
Laman convinced Lemuel the move was a mistake.
They thought that their dad’s prophecies just might be fake.
When he was confused by his older brothers’ spite,
Nephi prayed to God, and he learned his dad was right.

1 Nephi 3
God commanded Lehi to have his sons return 
To go get the brass plates so that their kids could learn.
Though his older brothers refused to follow through,
Nephi was determined and said he’d “go and do.”
Not only did Laban refuse to give the plates,
He stole their possessions, so Laman was irate.
He and Lemuel took out their rage on poor Nephi.
God sent them an angel and said to trust on high.

1 Nephi 4
Nephi was encouraged and knew that this was true. 
Though he didn’t know beforehand what he should do,
Following the Spirit, he came across Laban.
Heavenly Father told him he’d have to kill this man.
Nephi’s family needed the plates to read God’s laws;
Though each life is precious, this was a righteous cause.
To preserve a nation, he followed God’s command
And recruited Zoram to join their little band

1 Nephi 5
Though Sariah worried, her sons came back alive.
She had doubted Lehi, so she apologized.
Lehi said the plates would go forth to all the earth.
He and Nephi knew that the plates were of “great worth.” 

1 Nephi 6
Nephi felt inspired that he needed to create 
Records of his people—another set of plates.
Nephi didn’t want his record to be too broad;
These plates were intended to bring men unto God.

1 Nephi 7
Heavenly Father knows families bring joy to our lives,
So he sent Nephi and his brothers back for wives.
When they met Ishmael and found favor in his sight,
Ishmael’s family wanted to join them in their flight.
Each son found a wife as the group made their return.
Some got mad at Nephi—they never seem to learn!
Laman bound his brother with cords around his hands.
Nephi prayed and God gave him strength to break the bands.  
Though the cords had cut him, Nephi did not condemn
Any who had hurt him.  He frankly forgave them.  

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