Sunday, January 19, 2020

1 Nephi 11-15

1 Nephi 11
Nephi also saw Lehi’s vision of the tree.
With an angel’s help, he learned what each symbol means.
He saw baby Jesus held by his mom, Mary.
After which he saw the Lord’s earthly ministry.
Nephi saw how our Redeemer would call twelve men
To be His Apostles, to testify of Him.
Next, his vision showed how the Lord’s life would be lost
When the people took him and hung him on a cross.
Then he saw the building fall.  This was meant to warn
All who’ve fought or will fight the apostles of the Lord.

1 Nephi 12
Nephi’s dream continued so that he could record
How his future seed would someday forget the Lord.
After centuries spent fighting war after war,
There would be great earthquakes, flooding and fires and more.
Then the risen Lord would come and appear to them
And call twelve apostles—good men whom he’d chosen.
For three generations they would recall that day
But then pride would settle in and they would lose their way.

1 Nephi 13
In his dream a woman that in all sin revels
Stands for a church that was founded by the devil.
Its members desire wealth, power and worldly praise
And in their pursuit they have destroyed many saints.
Nephi also saw how Columbus and his crew 
Landed in the New World in 1492.
Many more would follow, leaving their native lands,
Which led to the natives finding themselves smitten.
Nephi saw how they would fight Great Britain and they’d win
All because the Patriots would have the Lord with them.
Then he saw how, over time, the Bible would be changed;
Many parts would be removed that were precious and plain.
Many men would stumble, because of these great flaws
But The Book of Mormon would restore what was lost.

1 Nephi 14
Nephi saw our day and how so many would sin
You can't be a part of God’s church if you’re with them.
But if you are faithful, you surely will be blessed;
You’ll be armed with power, and armed with righteousness.
Then John the Beloved was presented to Nephi.
And the angel testified of all that John would write.

1 Nephi 15
When his vision ended, Nephi went to his tent
Soon he heard his brothers having an argument.
They were both confused by their father Lehi’s dream,
So they asked Nephi what it was supposed to mean.
Nephi bluntly asked them, “Have ye inquired of God?
“He’ll explain what’s meant by the tree and iron rod.”
When you have a question, just ask the Lord in prayer
He will surely answer and show you He’s aware!
Then Nephi explained what his father, Lehi, meant
By the scattered branches that would be grafted in.
The tree’s the House of Israel.  Their posterity
Would lose the gospel, just like branches taken from a tree.
But, Nephi assured them, in the future they’ll find
The gospel truths they lost; they’ll get strength from the true vine.
They’ll join the fold of God, knowing they’re Abraham’s seed
Just like branches grafted back into their mother tree.
Then they asked him questions about the tree and rod.
He explained and begged them to heed the word of God.
Next, they asked their brother, “What does the river mean?”
Nephi told them that it was a gulf separating
All those who are wicked from saints and from the tree.
It’s called hell: a place made for those who are filthy.

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