Sunday, February 23, 2020

2 Nephi 26-30

2 Nephi 26
After Christ rose from the dead, Nephi said he saw  
That Jesus would visit the Nephites and teach His law.
But after He left, Nephi’s heart was pained to see
All the sin and conflicts of his posterity.
They would kill prophets!—They did not want to hear it.
Their destruction would be fast without the Spirit.
He had also seen the unbelief of our day
And how many would follow the devil’s dark ways.
Watch out!  Some will preach for the gain and praise they’ll get.
We call this priestcraft and God has forbidden it.
Nephi closed by testifying of charity:
God loves all His children—black and white, bond and free!

2 Nephi 27
Nephi then quoted from Isaiah 29.
It describes the last days and tells us of their signs.
People will be so caught up in iniquity
Their eyes will be closed to the truth—like they’re asleep!
All mankind will be plagued by thunder, storms and noise
While The Book of Mormon will cause some to rejoice.  
Yet part of this book will be sealed until God’s time
When it will be read on house tops in every clime.
Only three would see The Book of Mormon with their eyes.
These three witnesses had one job: to testify.
When one of them asked an expert to take a look 
He refused and told him, “I can’t read a sealed book.”
Though he was unlearned and felt incapable, 
God helped Joseph translate.  It was a miracle!
Now we can see The Book of Mormon’s truthfulness.
That was just the start of God’s work—it’s marvelous!.

2 Nephi 28
Nephi shared a prophecy that in the last days
Many false preachers would build churches their own way.
These churches would preach doctrine that’s nonsensical—
Claiming that God isn’t a God of miracles.
Some will twist the truth and others will, outright, lie,
“Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”
They’ll say, “God will justify sin.  We’ll still be saved!”
Such thinking has led to evil acts; it’s depraved!
Because of their pride, they will hurt and rob the poor.
Once they die they’ll be miserable forevermore!
Satan pacifies some, others he’ll fill with rage.
Either way, he will grasp them in his awful chains!
Be wary if someone tells you that, “All is well!”
Acting as if there is no devil or no hell.
On the contrary, he exists and we must fight! 
Every day’s a battle, so trust in the Lord’s might!
He has promised that, if we trust Him, we’ll be fine.
If we hearken, He will guide us, line upon line.

2 Nephi 29
Nephi then foresaw how his book would be received:
Some would read its words and would forever believe.
Others would reject it or just choose to ignore,
Saying, “Here’s a Bible, we don’t need any more.”
Such thinking is foolish, God created all men!
If He spoke to some, why would He not speak again?  
Why would the Lord suddenly all contact sever?
He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.  
He loves us and remembers all of His children!
He gave us both The Bible and Book of Mormon.

2 Nephi 30
Next, we learn from Nephi that even if we’re not
Descendants of Jacob, God still loves us a lot!
Though God made a covenant with Abraham, it’s true,
We can still be blessed, even if we’re not a Jew.
If we remain faithful and keep His commandments
We’ll be numbered as people of God’s covenant.
Any who believe the gospel of Jesus Christ 
Will receive the blessings of Abraham, likewise.
This is also true for the seed of Lamanites
When, one day, the scales of darkness fall from their eyes.
If they read The Book of Mormon, of this I’m sure,
They’ll become a delightsome people who are pure.
Then shall come the great day of peace that’s been foretold:
When, on men’s hearts, Satan will find he has no hold!

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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