Wednesday, April 15, 2020

2 Nephi 31-33

2 Nephi 31
Nephi then exhorted us all to follow Christ.
He showed us the way when He chose to be baptized.
Though Jesus was perfect—He had no sin to cleanse—
He wanted us all to follow God’s commandments.
Jesus tells all men, “Do the things [ye’ve] seen me do.”
That’s why we must all repent and be baptized, too.
Next, we get the Holy Ghost.  These steps form the gate
To a path Nephi described as “narrow and strait.”
As we walk this path, we’re enduring to the end;
We must keep our hope bright and love God and all men.
If we keep on feasting upon the Savior’s word,
We’ve been told we’ll have eternal life by the Lord.

2 Nephi 32
We’ve also been told, if the Spirit’s what we seek,
With the tongue of angels we’ll be able to speak.
If we read the scriptures and come to know their truth
The words of Christ will tell us all that we should do.
Though the evil spirit will say we must not pray
Nephi tells us plainly that we must pray always!
If we pray o’er all things and give the Lord control.
All we do will be for the welfare of our soul.

2 Nephi 33
Although Nephi felt less than mighty with the pen,
When he spoke, his words went straight to the hearts of men. 
This can also happen for us if we’re worthy.
The Spirit will teach any who are listening! 
But if they are hardened and refuse to be taught
They’ll cast them away—esteem them as things of naught.
So, if we believe in Christ, it can be inferred
We’ll believe this book, for it’s full of Jesus’s words.
There is power in the last words Nephi would say,
“The Lord hath commanded me, and I must obey.”

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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