Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Mosiah 1-3

Mosiah 1
Thanks to all his effort, the wars and fighting ceased,
So King Benjamin and his people enjoyed peace.
He taught his three sons the importance of the plates,
“Search them diligently, the profits will be great!”
This is true for us.  Reading scriptures makes us wise—
God’s commandments will always be before our eyes.
When he waxed old, Benjamin told his oldest son,
“Mosiah, I need you to gather everyone.”
Since there were so many, the task was not simple
But he managed it and they met at the temple.

Mosiah 2
All of those who came loved their just king, Benjamin.
He had taught them to obey God and love all men.
Every family’s tent faced the temple to be sure
That they all could listen to their king through the door.
There were so many!  More than they had expected. 
To help the crowd hear, a tower was erected.
Still, when the king spoke, many couldn’t hear a sound.
So King Benjamin had his message written down.
“You’ll need more than ears for the message I have planned.
“You must open your minds and hearts to understand.
“I tried, as your king, to be loving, firm and kind.
“I have served you with all my strength, my might and mind!
“But I didn’t serve you to boast or leave you awed;
“I did it because when you serve men, you serve God!
“Follow my example and serve your fellow man,
“And be sure to thank Heavenly Father for His plan!
“I will soon pass on.  My whole body’s trembling.
“Please accept my son Mosiah as your new king.
“If you follow him, as he shares the Lord’s commands
“You’ll be protected and you’ll prosper in the land.
“Remember my words!  You are now accountable.
“So, if you rebel, your state will be more awful!
“But if you’re faithful, you’ll have cause to celebrate.
“You’ll live in heaven in a blessed and happy state.”

Mosiah 3
Then King Benjamin said an angel had told him
That Jesus would come down to minister to men.
“He will raise the dead, heal the sick, the lame, the blind.
“And he will atone for the sins of all mankind.
“In this act of love, the pain felt by our Savior
“Will be so intense He will bleed from every pore.
“Afterward, the Lord will be scourged and crucified
“And will rise again the third day after he dies. 
“This message is the reason prophets have been sent:
“So that all men can learn of Jesus and repent.
“Then he offered comfort to those who’d lost children:
“Those infants are blessed!—Jesus’s blood atoned for them!
“This is true for those who have ignorantly sinned
“If they never hear the truth before their lives end.
“Last,” he warned, “Natural men are God’s enemy;
“Watch how a child acts—that’s the way that we should be!
“Children are submissive, humble, patient, and meek.
“All these traits are strengths, though the world views them as weak.”

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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