Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Jacob 1-4

Jacob 1
Right before he died, Nephi gave Jacob the plates,
With one rule: to only include writings that were great.
These plates should have the most precious revelations
And should be preserved for future generations.
He also anointed a king before he died.
Nephi was so loved, they called all their kings “Nephi.”
Under this new king, the Nephites’ hearts soon grew hard.
Filled with pride, some gave chastity no real regard.
It was up to Jacob to set the people straight,
Warning that they all must repent and must not wait.
Jacob and his brother were set apart to teach,
So the next two chapters record what Jacob preached. 

Jacob 2
Jacob warned a crowd gathered at the temple grounds
That, though they’d been blessed with the riches they had found 
Some were lifted up in the pride of their own hearts
And thought they were better than their poor counterparts.
This is never true!  The Lord will not love you less.
He doesn’t care how much you own or how you dress!
Jacob said, “Be generous!” and shared this maxim: 
“Before ye seek riches, seek ye first God’s kingdom!”
If we’re rooted in Jesus, Jacob said we would
One day gain riches with the intent to do good. 
Then Jacob preached against a far more wicked sin
One committed by King David and Solomon.
They had many wives. Is it, then, excusable?
No!  The Lord has said that it’s abominable!
God delights in the chastity of all women.
Don’t risk breaking the hearts of your wives or children! 

Jacob 3
Jacob then addressed those he called the pure in heart,
Urging them to feast on the love that God imparts.
He said if they received the pleasing word of God
That God would console them and He would plead their cause.
Then he warned immoral Nephites with all his might,
“You are even more wicked than the Lamanites!”
Lamanites remained loyal to their wives and kids
While some Nephites committed acts that God forbids.
Jacob urged, don’t despise them for their filthiness;
One day God promised these Lamanites would be blessed.

Chapter 4
Jacob then warned us, when life doesn’t go as planned,
“Do not counsel God, but take counsel from His hand!”
Jacob knew that paper and ink would never last
Only plates would survive through time to keep the past. 
So the prophets struggled to write upon the plates.
It was a tough job that we should appreciate!
But they cared so much, they were glad to pay this price
So that we would know about and have faith in Christ.
God had spoken of Christ unto prophets of old,
But the Jews were stiffnecked and their hearts were cold.
They ignored the prophets and stumbled in the dark.
They had been blinded by looking beyond the mark.
This led them to reject the Savior God had sent,
But the next chapter shows how, one day, they’d repent.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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