Thursday, April 23, 2020

Mosiah 4-6

Mosiah 4
After saying this, Benjamin looked at the crowd.
They wanted to repent and so they cried aloud,
 “Oh, have mercy, Lord!  Please forgive us of our sins.
“Apply Christ’s atonement, for we believe in Him!
After this great prayer, they were filled with joy and peace. 
They felt the Spirit and their feelings of guilt ceased.
We’ll also feel this joy and peace of conscience when 
We truly repent.  It’s a sign we’re forgiven.
Then the King proceeded to continue his speech,
“Listen to the remainder of the words I teach.
“Please believe in God, and that He is omniscient.
“Believe it—ye must humble yourselves and repent. 
“But it’s not enough to believe, for,” said King Ben, 
“If you believe all these things see that ye do them!
“Don’t forget how you tasted of God’s love today.
“And live peaceably in all you do and you say.
“Take care of your children!—Be sure they’re fed and dressed. 
“Teach them all the laws of God so they don’t transgress.
“Don’t allow fighting amongst sisters or brothers.
“Teach them how, instead, to love and serve each other.
“Take care of the poor and needy!” the king implored, 
“For, aren’t we all beggars, dependent on the Lord?
“So be sure to reach out to every needy man.
“Help with food or clothes, visits, anything you can.
“But pace yourself so you’re not exhausted at length.
“God doesn’t ask us to run faster than our strength.
“If you borrow something, be sure that it’s returned
“Or the owner might get angry out of concern.
“Oh, I can’t tell you every way to avoid sin.
“You must watch your thoughts, words and deeds unto the end.”

Mosiah 5
The King then asked his people if they believed his words.
“Yes,” they told him, “We believe all that we have heard.
“Our hearts have been changed by the Spirit mightily.
“We don’t want to sin!  Let’s do good continually!
“We now covenant that we’ll follow God’s commands.”
Benjamin was thrilled; he’d hoped for this beforehand.
“Now you are the children of Christ—sons and daughters.
“This day He has become your spiritual father.
“Take His name upon you and serve Him to the end
“And after this life you will live with Him again.”

Mosiah 6
Three years after giving this speech, King Ben was dead
And his son Mosiah was reigning in his stead.
Like his father, Mosiah was a righteous king.
He was sure to keep God’s commandments in all things. 

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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