Saturday, June 20, 2020

Alma 13-16

Alma 13

Alma then discussed priesthood power with the crowd—

The authority with which he had been endowed—

“Priests were chosen before they ever came to earth,

“Because of their faith, their good works and their great worth.

“One of these high priests was Melchizedek, the king.

“It was to this man that Abraham paid tithing.

“His people had been sinful but he helped them cease.

“And, for his efforts, he was called the Prince of Peace.”


Alma 14

Many believed Alma and began to repent

But even more people had murderous intent.

They wanted to destroy Alma and Amulek, 

So they bound them and treated them with great neglect.

Realizing how guilty he was, Zeezrom 

Tried to defend them but the people ignored him! 

They insulted him, spit on him and cast him out

And they exiled other believers with a shout.

Next, they built a fire and, to their eternal shame,

They forced all believers’ families into the flames.

Then they made Alma and Amulek watch the scene.

It was the most awful thing they had ever seen.

Amulek said, “Let’s use God’s power to save them!”

Alma wanted to but he’d been told “No” just then.

“Perhaps they will burn us also,” Amulek said.

“No, our work is not finished,” Alma responded.

After all the people had perished in the blaze,

Alma and Amulek were imprisoned for days.

They were stripped and beaten; their hands and feet were bound,

But when they were questioned they didn’t make a sound.

After many days of enduring this disgrace

God gave them a way to escape from that dark place.

He sent them an earthquake that shook the prison walls.

Those fell on their captors, which crushed and killed them all.

Both Alma and Amulek emerged uninjured.

Those who saw them come forth were struck with great terror.


Alma 15

Amulek and Alma were commanded to go,

So they went to Sidom and saw their former foe.

Zeezrom felt so much guilt for his many sins

That he almost died—A fever nearly killed him.

When he learned Alma and Amulek were nearby

He asked them to come and heal him, or at least to try.

They came right away and told him if he believed

He’d be healed by the power they had both received.

Zeezrom assured them his belief was complete.

They gave him a blessing and he leapt to his feet!

Zeezrom was baptized and he began to preach

About Jesus Christ, as he had heard Alma teach.

There were many others who chose to be baptized

And the Savior’s church in Sidom increased in size.

At this point, poor Amulek, had lost his money

And had been rejected by his friends and fam’ly.

So they took a break, so that he’d have time to mend,

And so Alma could offer comfort to his friend.


Alma 16

Not long afterward, the eleventh year began, 

And the Nephites learned Lamanites were in their land.

When they reached the city of Ammonihah they 

Destroyed every living thing in a single day.

This was exactly what Alma had prophesied. 

But the city rejected him, so they all died.

Then the Nephites’ commander, whose name was Zoram,

Asked Alma, as high priest, to help him make a plan.

Alma prayed and God told Zoram just where to go

So that they could drive the Lamanites from their home.

For the next three years, the Nephites enjoyed great peace.

Both Alma and Amulek kept preaching without cease.


© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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