Sunday, June 7, 2020

Alma 8-12

Alma 8
In the 10th year, after he had taken a rest,
Alma preached in Melek, where he enjoyed success.
Many were baptized and chose to follow God’s law.
Then he headed to the city Ammonihah.
Satan had great hold on the hearts of this city,
So they treated Alma with great hostility.
Alma didn’t give up and prayed for the Spirit
But they told him that they did not want to hear it!
He was mocked.  They spit on him and sent him away.
Alma sadly left them.  He had no more to say.
An angel appeared as he sorrowfully went.
It was the same one that had told him to repent!
“Blessed art thou, Alma; you have cause to rejoice.
“You have been so faithful and listened to God’s voice.
“Return to that city and preach to them again.
“Tell them if they don’t repent, God will destroy them.”
Alma didn’t think twice—He returned speedily
And he met a man when he entered the city.
He replied when Alma humbly asked him for food,
“I had a vision where I was told to feed you.”
Alma’s new friend Amulek took him home with him
Alma ate his fill and blessed everyone within.
After many days, Alma resumed his mission
Amulek came with him as his new companion.
They were filled with power, as they went on their way
They escaped from prisons and they could not be slain.

Alma 9
As the two went forth, calling people to repent,
Many resisted the message that God had sent:
“You think God will destroy our city with His hand?
“Why should we believe you?  You’re only just one man!”
Alma stood with boldness as he declared to them,
“If you don’t repent soon, you all will be condemned! 
“You had more knowledge than the Lamanites, so they
“Will be better off when it comes to judgment day!
Onlookers did not like what Alma had to say.
They hardened their hearts and tried to lock him away.
But Amulek stood forth, which took them all aback.
As he backed up Alma, he stopped them in their tracks.

Alma 10
Amulek told everyone about his ancestry
And reminded them of his popularity.
He said, “Though I had wealth, I wasn’t very smart.
“In the past, when God called me, I hardened my heart.”
He told them about the angel that came to him
And told him to feed the prophet that God would send.
“I can testify Alma is a holy man.
“All his words are true!  They’re aligned with God’s command.”
There were lawyers there who tried to make him confused,
But Amulek knew what they were trying to do.
“Oh, you wicked men, you think you can confound me?
“I know of your plans!”  This made the group more angry. 
There was one lawyer there whose name was Zeezrom. 
He was very sly and began to question them.

Alma 11
“Amulek, if you deny God,” said Zeezrom,
“I’ll give you more money than you make in a month.”
Amulek was not even tempted by this bribe,
“I won’t deny God!  And besides that, you have lied!
“You have no intention of giving me money!—
“No!  You want to discredit me for all to see.”
Though Zeezrom tried more, Amulek wouldn’t budge—
He told Zeezrom, “At the last day, we’ll be judged.”
Zeezrom found all of these answers hard to take.
He felt so guilty that he soon began to shake.

Alma 12
Now when Zeezrom asked questions he was sincere—
Knowing he’d be judged for his sins had caused him fear.
Alma taught the crowd of the Plan of Redemption
And how we could overcome death thanks to God’s Son.
Heav’nly Father sent angels to share this good news
With all men on earth so that they’d know what to do:
“Let us all repent; let us harden not our hearts
“So that we can enter God’s rest and never part.”

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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