Sunday, May 31, 2020

Alma 5-7

Alma 5
Alma started preaching God’s word in the 9th year
You can read the message he shared with them right here:
“Do you all recall the elder Alma, my dad?
“And how much God blessed his people when things got bad?
“He not only rescued them from captivity
“But he also saved their souls from iniquity!
“Though the chains of hell encircled them, God above  
“Loosed them from these bands and they sang redeeming love!”
Then he asked them questions.  They’re here for you to see.
We should ask ourselves these same questions frequently!
He asked, “Have you been born of God?” right at the start.
“Have you also had this mighty change in your heart?
“Do you act like Jesus?—Do you resemble Him?
“Are your heart and hands pure and clean?—Free from all sin?
“At the judgment day, will the Lord say, ‘Come ye blessed;
“‘All your works on earth have been works of righteousness?’ ”
Then the crucial question was, “If you’ve felt this way—
“If your heart’s been changed, do you feel that way today?”
Then Alma warned them to avoid pride and envy
And urged them to repent of all iniquity,
“All men who repent will receive the Lord’s mercy.
“They can then partake of the tree of life freely.
“Jesus, the good shepherd, calls you as was foretold.
“If you ignore Him, you are of the devil’s fold! 
“Heavenly Father asked me to share these words with you
“And I testify, that I know these words are true.
“I fasted and prayed many days so I could know 
“And the Holy Spirit was sent to tell me so.
“If you are a member, you need to understand
“This message is not a request—it’s a command!”

Alma 6
Some people had listened to all that Alma said
But others ignored him and left the church, instead.
Those who chose to stay shared the gospel everywhere.
They gathered often and prayed for those who weren’t there.
Alma 7
Next, Alma addressed the people of Gideon.
He delivered a much milder message to them.
All the people there had already repented.
Alma told them he had great joy and he meant it!
So, instead of dwelling on repentance and sin,
This time he focused on Jesus, the Son of men,
“There is nothing more important than Jesus Christ.
“He knows how to save us, because He paid the price.
“He will suffer pains, sicknesses and afflictions 
“So that he will understand all our temptations.
“He will take upon him all our infirmities
“So that he can succor us with his great mercy.
“He took all our sins so that he could blot them out.
“The Holy Spirit told me—of this I have no doubt!
“And the Spirit told me that you believe this, too.
“Yes, your faith is strong.  My joy’s great because of you!
 “Keep on being humble, submissive, temperate, 
“And be sure to thank God for everything you get.
“See that you have faith, hope, good works and charity
“And, as a result, you’ll always be blessed with peace.”

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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