Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mosiah 11-17

Chapter 11
Zeniff was replaced by Noah, his wicked son.
He made sin attractive to almost everyone.
Sadly, he did not walk in the ways of his dad—
Meaning he did things that would have made Zeniff sad.
He was immoral and did not have just one wife.
And under his rule there began to be much strife.
He taxed his people one-fifth of all they possessed.
He used their money for buildings and a winepress.
And he built a tower, a palace and a throne.
Even worse, he replaced his dad’s priests with his own.
His priests were wicked and fed the people with lies. 
So the Lord sent them the prophet Abinadi.
He shared with the people the warning God had sent:
They’d fall into bondage if they did not repent.
When King Noah heard what Abinadi had said
He was so angry he wanted the prophet dead.
He said, “Who is Abinadi?  Who is the Lord?”
So, you see, Abinadi’s warnings were ignored.

Chapter 12
Two years later the prophet came back in disguise,
But they caught him when he began to prophesy,
“Noah’s life will be like a garment in a flame
“And you all will be afflicted and filled with shame.”
The people were angry and took him to the king.
Saying, “We are guiltless, so this man is lying!” 
King Noah and his priests questioned Abinadi.
They were stunned by his boldness in every reply.
When they brought up the scriptures his boldness increased,
 “You don’t know the meaning and you call yourselves priests? 
“You don’t even try to keep the laws that you teach!
“Watch out!  You’ll be judged for breaking the rules you preach.”

Chapter 13
Noah told his priests, “Slay this man, he’s lost his mind!”
But the Lord gave him strength and his countenance shined,
“Touch me not,” he said, “I have God’s power, you see.
 “I must share the message the Lord has given me!”
While he spoke his face shone with a luminescence.
He started by rehearsing the Ten Commandments:
“Put God first and from worshipping idols refrain.
“And be sure to never take the Lord’s name in vain. 
“Keep the Sabbath Day holy and don’t ever kill.
“Honor your parents, love your spouse and do not steal.
“Even in small ways, don’t ever be dishonest.
“When someone has something you want, don’t be jealous.
“Have you taught these things?  No!  And you don’t follow them.
“If you do not change your ways you will be condemned!
“But these laws without Christ are simply meaningless.
“They were meant to help us turn our hearts to Jesus.”

Chapter 14
Abinadi started to quote Isaiah then, 
“Jesus will be despised and rejected of men.
“He will bear our grief.  He’ll know how our sorrow feels.
“And through both his stripes and his bruises, we’ll be healed.
“Just like sheep, we have gone astray through Adam’s Fall
“But our Savior paid the price of sin for us all.”

Chapter 15
Then Abinadi explained his words unto them:
“Jesus Christ will have a body and dwell with men.
“He’ll do this so that he can understand our pain
“And, through His Atonement, free us from Satan’s chains.
“Even after His miracles, they’ll cast him out.
“Though they mock and scourge Him, He’ll open not His mouth. 
“Like a silent sheep, He’ll be slain; He’ll drink the cup
“That God asked Him to, for His will was swallowed up.
“All of this was for those who hearken and believe
“That Jesus can save us.  They are the Savior’s seed. “This means that one day they’ll inherit God’s kingdom.”
Then he praised all those who have said Jesus would come,
“O How beautiful on the mountains are the feet
“Of all those who’ve said Christ would come—they publish peace.”
This means that all prophets and missionaries, too
Will be greatly blessed for the preaching that they do.
Then Abinadi explained to them how the Son
Broke the bands of death thanks to His resurrection.
There will be a first resurrection which is meant
For all of the faithful who keep the commandments.

Chapter 16
Abinadi kept preaching and said, with a nod, 
“In the future, all men will know there is a God!”
Because of the Fall of Adam, all men were lost,
But thanks to Jesus, we are saved!  He paid the cost!
We can be forgiven for our iniquities,
And the grave has no victory—death has no sting!

Chapter 17
When Abinadi ceased to speak, King Noah said
To all of his priests, “Take this man.  I want him dead!”
But one of the priests knew the prophet’s words were true.
He said, “Don’t be angry!  Let him go, I beg you!”
Noah was so mad, he cast him out with a shout.
And sent men to kill him, so he had to hide out.
This man’s name was Alma and he wrote down the words
Of the prophet Abinadi that he had heard.
Meanwhile, poor Abinadi was condemned to die
But, when asked to take back his words, he would not lie!
So, after they hurt him, they burned this man to death.
He kept on preaching to them with his dying breath,
“God will punish you!  Not many years will transpire
“Before you’ll also feel the pains of death by fire!”

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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