Friday, May 29, 2020

Mosiah 29-Alma 4

Mosiah 29
When Mosiah asked his people who should be king
They replied that Aaron, his son, should be ruling.
But none of his sons were willing to take the throne,
So Mosiah made a new system of his own.
“O, my people, I know that you want a monarch
“But I have a new plan.  Listen to my remarks:
“Many kings have caused contention, bloodshed and sin.
“Let us now be wise and not have a king again.
“Our system of government will have fewer flaws.
“We will have judges who will govern by the law.
“In this land there should be no inequality.
“No!  Instead, it should be a land of liberty.
“But even this type of government will fail when 
“The majority of people choose wicked men.”
All the people gathered to vote and make their choice.
Judges were appointed and everyone rejoiced.
Alma was the chief judge they voted for that day.
It would not be long till his dad would pass away.
He had recently turned the age of 82.
And, soon afterward, King Mosiah would die, too.

Alma 1
That first year the chief judge, Alma, heard of Nehor.
He was such a problem he couldn’t be ignored.
Nehor went about teaching people false doctrine.
He was successful until he met Gideon.
Gideon withstood him with the word of the Lord.
So Nehor got angry and slew him with his sword.
Though Nehor was executed for this great crime
Men continued preaching like he had all the time.
Sadly, there were members who would withdraw their names
From church records and tormented those who remained.
Though this was a trial for those who chose to stay
They were given peace and prospered in every way. 

Alma 2
Only four years later a man named Amlici
Was, a lot like Nehor, a very cunning guy.
He persuaded many that they should make him king
But church members found this idea quite alarming.
So the people voted, to see if he should rule.
When he was rejected, Amlici lost his cool.
All his followers, who called themselves Amlicites,
Armed themselves so they could fight against the Nephites.
Strengthened by the Lord, the Nephites won that first fight,
So the Amlicites fled and joined the Lamanites.
Now their force was huge.  They wanted to keep fighting,
So they met the Nephites at the river Sidon.
Alma led his men in the strength of the Lord.
He personally slew Amlici with the sword.
Though they were outnumbered, the brave Nephites prevailed.
All the Amlicites ran away; their plan had failed.

Alma 3
After the battle the Nephites buried the dead
And noticed a mark on the Amlicites’ foreheads.
They had used this red mark to set themselves apart.
More importantly, it showed the state of their hearts.
God has promised that those who rebel will be cursed
(It’s in First Nephi 2 in the twenty-third verse.)
God has said that all who are cursed will have a mark,
Like the Lamanites, whose countenances seemed dark.
This was so that God’s people could stay far away
From others who would attempt to lead them astray.
But this doesn’t mean that they’re all forever cursed.—
Any who repent will learn it can be reversed.
We should be careful when we choose our dates and friends.  
We should make sure they’ll help us keep our covenants.

Alma 4
Lamanites attacked and were beaten yet again, 
As the fifth year of the judges came to an end.
There were no more wars or contentions the next year
But for all their losses, the families shed tears.
For a time their sorrow led them to be more wise;
In the next two years, many people were baptized.
But in the eighth year of the judges they grew proud
Because of the riches with which they were endowed.
All the faithful saints were dismayed to see these sins
Not only outside the church, but also within.
In fact, Alma learned, church members were often worse.
There was so much strife, Alma thought his heart would burst.
Alma wanted to devote all his time to preach,
So he asked Nephihah to fill his judgment seat.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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