Sunday, May 17, 2020

Mosiah 25-28

Chapter 25
King Mosiah’s people gathered and formed a crowd
Where they heard the records of Zeniff read aloud.
Then they listened intently to Alma’s account.
They felt everything: wonder, joy, anguish and doubt.
Then Mosiah said, “Alma, you go speak to them!”
So he shared the great importance of baptism.
After this, Limhi and his people were baptized
And the church of God continued to grow in size.

Chapter 26
While the church was growing, there were also some men
Who had not understood the words of Benjamin.
They were only children when that man gave his speech
Now that they’d grown up, they scorned all that Alma preached.
They would not be baptized and deceived church members
Flattering them, so many saints became sinners.
These dissenters were delivered up to Alma
Who’d been called as the high priest in Zarahemla.
Alma’s heart was troubled; he’d never seen such things
So he sent these religious rebels to the king.
King Mosiah told him, “Alma, this job is yours.”
And sent them all back, so Alma prayed to the Lord.
The voice of the Lord came to Alma and it said,
“Alma, for your exceeding faith you will be blessed.
“Judge each person based on his crime and his intent.
“Forgive anyone who will sincerely repent.
“As often as my people repent, I’ll forgive.
“My people must do likewise all the days they live.”
Alma was obedient, which led to greater peace.
They gave thanks in all things and they prayed without cease.

Chapter 27
Alma had a son.  He was named after his dad.
But he became wicked, which made his father sad.
He and King Mosiah’s four sons went on their way
Doing all they could to lead church members astray.
One day they were met by an angel in a cloud.
When he spoke to them, the earth shook it was so loud!
“Alma, why do you persecute God’s church?” he said,
“You’re accountable for the people you’ve misled!
“I’ve been sent as an answer to your father’s prayers.
“To convince you that God is real and that He cares.”
Alma was so shocked, he was helpless and went mute 
And he felt regret for his sins that was acute.
Alma’s friends and family fasted and they prayed.
He finally woke after two nights and two days.
“Be of good comfort!  I’ve repented of my sins.
“I have learned that all mankind must be born again.
“I felt so much shame until I turned to the Lord.
“Though I was tormented, my soul is pained no more!”
From that time forward, Alma spent his time preaching
All throughout the land with the four sons of the king.
Their names were Omner, Himni, Aaron and Ammon
And they zealously tried to right the wrongs they’d done.
They were once involved in the very worst of sins
But God in His mercy had chosen to spare them.

Chapter 28
Over time, the sons of Mosiah set their sights
On serving a mission among the Lamanites.
Though there would be danger, they didn’t count the cost.
They hated the thought that any soul should be lost!
Mosiah was worried about them till the Lord
Told him they should go—many would believe their words.
God then promised King Mosiah that all his sons
Would receive protection and come home—every one.
An account of their ministry will soon be seen
In the book of Alma, in chapter 17.
Then, since all his sons were on missions, Mosiah
Took all of the records and gave them to Alma.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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