Monday, June 29, 2020

Alma 23-29

Chapter 23

Then the king sent forth to his people this command,

“King Mosiah’s sons are to preach in all the land.”

He encouraged all to hear what they had to say.

Thousands were converted and never fell away.

Interestingly, almost all were Lamanites.

Only one convert came from the Amalekites.

They became so righteous, they laid down their weapons

So they couldn’t fight against God or their brethren.

In order to show how much their people had changed,

They chose “Anti-Nephi-Lehies” as their new name.

This was to show respect for the king’s eldest son.

They were also nicknamed the People of Ammon.

With their friends, the Nephites, they had open commerce,

And, thanks to their goodness, they were no longer cursed!


Chapter 24

When Anti-Nephi-Lehi, Lamoni’s brother,

Became the next king with the death of their father,

All the Lamanites who were not converted swore

That they’d kill all believers and prepared for war.

So the king implored his people with all his might,

“Don’t take up your weapons!  I beg you not to fight!

“Let us show the Lord that we’ve truly repented.

“Don’t take up your swords!—Let us bury them, instead!”

So they buried all their weapons as evidence

That they’d rather die than break their new covenants.

When their enemies came, they all gathered and prayed.

One thousand and five of these believers were slain.

Seeing such great faith struck their rivals to the core;

More than a thousand were converted to the Lord.


Chapter 25 

Those who weren’t converted became still angrier 

And they blamed the Nephites for all these new converts.

So they left the People of Ammon and attacked

The neighboring Nephites, who were quick to react.

After they had been beaten back by the Nephites,

Even more were converted of these Lamanites.

So the People of Ammon grew greater in size.

Ammon’s brethren thanked God for listening to their cries.


Chapter 26

Ammon then addressed his brothers with a loud voice,

“My brethren, we have such great reason to rejoice!

“We’ve been instruments in the Lord’s hands so we might

“Help thousands of Lamanites to behold God’s light.

“We have labored all the day long and have been blessed.

“Now they’re in the hands of the Lord of the harvest.


“Let’s give thanks to God’s holy name and sing praises.

“If we hadn’t come, our brethren would still hate us.”

Aaron interrupted, “Ammon, I fear you boast.”

“No, Aaron.  I only boast in the Lord of Hosts.”

Ammon reassured him, “I know that I’m nothing.

“But with God’s strength I know that I can do all things.

“Thousands now sing redeeming love instead of hate.

“Truly, brethren, our reason to rejoice is great!

“Further, in His mercy, God snatched us from our sins

“So we could repent and devote our lives to Him.

“Remember how the other Nephites laughed at us?

“They said, ‘Preaching to the Lamanites is hopeless!’

“We’ve proven them wrong, though we’ve suffered many things.

“And we have been patient in all these sufferings.

“When we wanted to turn back—we were so depressed!—

“The Lord comforted us, ‘I will give you success.’

“And He has!  Just look at the converts we hold dear

“Who have died to show their conversion is sincere.

“God is mindful of all the people on this earth,

“For they’re all His children and so they’re of great worth.”


Chapter 27

Since the Lamanites had been so soundly beaten 

They attacked the People of Ammon once again.

When the People of Ammon saw that Lamanites

Were attacking them, they again refused to fight.

Ammon was heartbroken to see so many slain,

So he spoke with the king to try to end their pain,

“Let us all go down to live in the Nephites’ land!

“Our brethren, the Nephites, will surely understand.”

Anti-Nephi-Lehi met this idea with doubt,

Thinking that the Nephites would surely turn them out.

But when Ammon prayed and God said they should depart,

This good king listened and obeyed with all his heart.

They all traveled to Zarahemla, which was where

They met with Alma and felt joy beyond compare.

When they asked if the People of Ammon could stay,

The Nephites said, “Yes,” and then they went on to say,

“They can live in Jershon and we will protect them.

“All we ask is that they help us to feed our men.”

So the people moved in and called Jershon their home.

Their zeal and goodness were the greatest ever known.




© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

Chapter 28

Not long afterward, all the Lamanites attacked

But the Nephite armies, at great cost, held them back.

While the Nephites mourned for their kindred who had died,

They knew that their loved ones in heaven would reside. 


Chapter 29

Alma then recorded the chief wish of his heart:

To share the gospel with the world in every part,

“If I were an angel I’d tell all men, ‘Repent!’

“But I am a man and I ought to be content.

“Instead, I will glory in what the Lord commands:

“That I may act as an instrument in His hands.

“He has called me to preach the word to this people.

“When they listen and then repent, joy fills my soul.

“Then I remember the Lord’s kindness and mercy

“And how He extended that mercy unto me.”


© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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