Sunday, June 28, 2020

Alma 17-22

Chapter 17

In the next eleven chapters Alma would write

Of Mosiah’s sons’ mission to the Lamanites.

His account included their trials and suffering

While they served a mission: 14 years of preaching.

After serving the greatest mission ever known 

Mosiah’s sons met Alma as they headed home.

Alma was ecstatic to learn that his good friends

Had waxed strong in truth and were faithful to the end! 

They had prayed and read the scriptures diligently, 

So that, when they taught, they taught with authority.

Though they suffered much, going without food for days, 

They convinced many Lamanites to change their ways.

In the 1st year of the judges they left to go 

Taking only weapons: their swords, arrows and bows.

As they made their way, they prayed to have the Spirit 

Which brought them comfort so strong that they could feel it.

Though the Lamanites were all wild and ferocious

They hoped they could help them turn from their wickedness.

Ammon blessed each brother that wherever he went

In the Lord’s hands he would serve as an instrument.

These men separated and went off one by one.

Ammon left for Ishmael and was soon imprisoned.

He was taken before their king named Lamoni

Who got to decide if Ammon would live or die.

Ammon said, “I might stay here for all of my life.”

This flattered the king!—He offered Ammon a wife.

Ammon told him, “Nay, but I will be thy servant.”

So sheepherding became Ammon’s first assignment.

Three days later, a rogue party of Lamanites

Caused such a commotion the flock scattered in fright.

All of Ammon’s coworkers were now terrified.

They feared, for this loss, they’d be killed by Lamoni.

Ammon said, “Cheer up!  Let’s go gather the lost flock.

“I’ll defend you using my sword, my sling and rocks.”

Ammon started fighting and to his foes’ alarm,

He slew seven of them and cut off others’ arms!


Chapter 18

When Lamoni got word, his thoughts became distressed!

“Only gods could have the power Ammon possessed!

“Is Ammon the Great Spirit sent to punish me?”

He said it out loud and his servants all agreed.

“Where is Ammon now?” Lamoni asked them all, breathless.

“He’s feeding the horses, just as you ordered us.”

He was astonished at Ammon’s obedience,

And hoped that Ammon would come into his presence.

Ammon came but the king was speechless for an hour,

Until Ammon read his thoughts using the Lord’s power.

“Why are you so quiet?  You need to understand—

“I defended your sheep, but I am just a man!”

So Lamoni asked, “Then by what power do you

“Read my thoughts and do all the brave things that you do?”

“If I answer this, King, will you listen to me?”

Lamoni promised, “Every word!  I will believe.” 

Ammon taught the king about God and Creation,

And about the Fall and the Plan of Redemption.

“Is this God the source of the power that you get?”

“Yes, and I’ve been called here to teach by His Spirit.”

Lamoni believed every word that Ammon said.
Then, as he was praying, he fell down, as though dead.


Chapter 19

Lamoni lay, lifeless, for two days and two nights.

So the Queen asked Ammon to come and set things right.

“Ammon, many have seen Lamoni in this bed

“And think I should bury him.  They say he is dead.”

Ammon told the Queen, “You’re husband’s alive and well.

“He’ll awake tomorrow with such a tale to tell!

“Do you believe this?” Ammon asked the valiant queen.

“Yes!” She said, with more faith than he had ever seen.

Sure enough, Lamoni awoke and ministered

Almost everyone fainted who had heard his words.

Though a room of people on the ground might seem odd,

They were overcome by the fear and love of God.

Only one servant wasn’t lying on the floor

Since she had been converted many years before.

Abish was her name and she ran from house to house.

“Come and see what’s happened!” she told them with a shout.

Soon a crowd gathered.  Abish hoped they’d convert, too.

But, instead, the crowd was disturbed and they argued.

One man even tried to kill Ammon for revenge,

But he was struck dead!  They were not sure what this meant.

Abish felt the only way they would understand

Would be if they arose, so she grabbed the queen’s hand.

Right away the queen stood!  She praised the Lord and then

She awoke her husband by taking the king’s hand. 

When they all awoke, Ammon and King Lamoni 

Calmed the people down and began to testify.

Though many refused to listen or to convert,

Many did believe and they established a church.


© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

Chapter 20

Then the Lord told Ammon to go to Middoni,

To rescue Omner, Aaron, Ammah and Himni.

They were imprisoned.  Muloki was with them, too.

Ammon told Lamoni who said, “I’ll come with you.”

As they went on their way they met Lamoni’s dad.

When he saw Lamoni with Ammon he was mad.

“Why on earth are you traveling with this Nephite?

“His ancestors robbed our ancestors of their rights!

“Kill him now, Lamoni!”  But Lamoni refused.

“If you won’t obey me, my son, then I’ll kill you!”

Ammon tried to reason with the king but, instead,

The king turned on Ammon and tried to take his head.

Ammon smote his arm and he nearly killed the king,

Who yelled, “If you spare me I’ll give you anything!”

Ammon wanted his brothers cast out of prison

And that King Lamoni would not lose his kingdom.

“Show your son respect and please do not be displeased.

“That is all I ask.”  Then the king fell to his knees.

“I will do it all!  You can consider it done.

“I am so amazed by your friendship with my son!

“After their release, will you please come and see me?

“Come and teach me, too!  I would like to learn from thee!”

Afterward, they went and set Ammon’s brothers free.

They were starved and naked, and were a sight to see.

There were many, many trials that they underwent, 

But through all their suffering, they remained patient.

Sometimes missionary work’s easy; take Ammon.

But often it’s hard, as it was for poor Aaron.


Chapter 21

Chapter 21’s written down to explain why

Ammon’s brothers were imprisoned in Middoni.

When the brothers separated, Aaron had gone

To Jerusalem, a land not far from Mormon.

Former Nephites lived there, nicknamed Amalekites.

They were even more wicked than the Lamanites.

They refused to listen to Aaron and so he

Left to preach in a village called Anti-anti.

He met all the rest of his brothers preaching there,

So he joined them, preaching the gospel everywhere.

But those people hardened their hearts!  And so they went

To preach in Middoni.  They hardly made a dent.

They were so hated the people threw them in jail

And they suffered greatly, feeling that they had failed.

Ammon and Lamoni gave them clothing and food

And their missionary efforts were soon renewed.

They preached everywhere and many listened to them,

Just as Lamoni’s people listened to Ammon.




Chapter 22

Ammon’s brothers all went to teach Lamoni’s dad.

He would bring them the most success they’d ever had.

When they shared the Lord’s message, led by the Spirit,

They found that the king had been longing to hear it. 

Aaron started out, “We’ll be your servants, O king.”

The king said, “No, just share Ammon’s message with me!

“I have been troubled, thinking of your brother’s words.

“They were the most generous I have ever heard.

“Please explain the Spirit and what Ammon’s words meant,

“That, ‘At the last day, we’ll be saved if we repent.’ 

“All that you will teach me, I promise I’ll believe.”

Aaron’s heart rejoiced—all their words would be received.

Aaron taught the king, starting with the creation, 

And about Jesus and the plan of redemption.

Eagerly, the good King opened his mouth to say,

“What am I to do so I’m saved at the last day?

“I’ll give up my kingdom and all that I possess

“If it means that I’ll be filled with that happiness.

Aaron taught the king about prayer and what to say

So that he could repent. The king knelt down and prayed.

“I’ll give all my sins up to know thee, Lord,” he said.

And, after these words, the king was struck as if dead.

When the queen was told by the servants what was done

She commanded all of them they must kill Aaron.

Aaron saw her anger so he grabbed the king’s hand

And the king arose when Aaron told him to stand.

After this the king preached, as Lamoni had done

And his whole household believed his words—every one!


© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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