Sunday, May 31, 2020

Alma 5-7

Alma 5
Alma started preaching God’s word in the 9th year
You can read the message he shared with them right here:
“Do you all recall the elder Alma, my dad?
“And how much God blessed his people when things got bad?
“He not only rescued them from captivity
“But he also saved their souls from iniquity!
“Though the chains of hell encircled them, God above  
“Loosed them from these bands and they sang redeeming love!”
Then he asked them questions.  They’re here for you to see.
We should ask ourselves these same questions frequently!
He asked, “Have you been born of God?” right at the start.
“Have you also had this mighty change in your heart?
“Do you act like Jesus?—Do you resemble Him?
“Are your heart and hands pure and clean?—Free from all sin?
“At the judgment day, will the Lord say, ‘Come ye blessed;
“‘All your works on earth have been works of righteousness?’ ”
Then the crucial question was, “If you’ve felt this way—
“If your heart’s been changed, do you feel that way today?”
Then Alma warned them to avoid pride and envy
And urged them to repent of all iniquity,
“All men who repent will receive the Lord’s mercy.
“They can then partake of the tree of life freely.
“Jesus, the good shepherd, calls you as was foretold.
“If you ignore Him, you are of the devil’s fold! 
“Heavenly Father asked me to share these words with you
“And I testify, that I know these words are true.
“I fasted and prayed many days so I could know 
“And the Holy Spirit was sent to tell me so.
“If you are a member, you need to understand
“This message is not a request—it’s a command!”

Alma 6
Some people had listened to all that Alma said
But others ignored him and left the church, instead.
Those who chose to stay shared the gospel everywhere.
They gathered often and prayed for those who weren’t there.
Alma 7
Next, Alma addressed the people of Gideon.
He delivered a much milder message to them.
All the people there had already repented.
Alma told them he had great joy and he meant it!
So, instead of dwelling on repentance and sin,
This time he focused on Jesus, the Son of men,
“There is nothing more important than Jesus Christ.
“He knows how to save us, because He paid the price.
“He will suffer pains, sicknesses and afflictions 
“So that he will understand all our temptations.
“He will take upon him all our infirmities
“So that he can succor us with his great mercy.
“He took all our sins so that he could blot them out.
“The Holy Spirit told me—of this I have no doubt!
“And the Spirit told me that you believe this, too.
“Yes, your faith is strong.  My joy’s great because of you!
 “Keep on being humble, submissive, temperate, 
“And be sure to thank God for everything you get.
“See that you have faith, hope, good works and charity
“And, as a result, you’ll always be blessed with peace.”

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

Friday, May 29, 2020

Mosiah 29-Alma 4

Mosiah 29
When Mosiah asked his people who should be king
They replied that Aaron, his son, should be ruling.
But none of his sons were willing to take the throne,
So Mosiah made a new system of his own.
“O, my people, I know that you want a monarch
“But I have a new plan.  Listen to my remarks:
“Many kings have caused contention, bloodshed and sin.
“Let us now be wise and not have a king again.
“Our system of government will have fewer flaws.
“We will have judges who will govern by the law.
“In this land there should be no inequality.
“No!  Instead, it should be a land of liberty.
“But even this type of government will fail when 
“The majority of people choose wicked men.”
All the people gathered to vote and make their choice.
Judges were appointed and everyone rejoiced.
Alma was the chief judge they voted for that day.
It would not be long till his dad would pass away.
He had recently turned the age of 82.
And, soon afterward, King Mosiah would die, too.

Alma 1
That first year the chief judge, Alma, heard of Nehor.
He was such a problem he couldn’t be ignored.
Nehor went about teaching people false doctrine.
He was successful until he met Gideon.
Gideon withstood him with the word of the Lord.
So Nehor got angry and slew him with his sword.
Though Nehor was executed for this great crime
Men continued preaching like he had all the time.
Sadly, there were members who would withdraw their names
From church records and tormented those who remained.
Though this was a trial for those who chose to stay
They were given peace and prospered in every way. 

Alma 2
Only four years later a man named Amlici
Was, a lot like Nehor, a very cunning guy.
He persuaded many that they should make him king
But church members found this idea quite alarming.
So the people voted, to see if he should rule.
When he was rejected, Amlici lost his cool.
All his followers, who called themselves Amlicites,
Armed themselves so they could fight against the Nephites.
Strengthened by the Lord, the Nephites won that first fight,
So the Amlicites fled and joined the Lamanites.
Now their force was huge.  They wanted to keep fighting,
So they met the Nephites at the river Sidon.
Alma led his men in the strength of the Lord.
He personally slew Amlici with the sword.
Though they were outnumbered, the brave Nephites prevailed.
All the Amlicites ran away; their plan had failed.

Alma 3
After the battle the Nephites buried the dead
And noticed a mark on the Amlicites’ foreheads.
They had used this red mark to set themselves apart.
More importantly, it showed the state of their hearts.
God has promised that those who rebel will be cursed
(It’s in First Nephi 2 in the twenty-third verse.)
God has said that all who are cursed will have a mark,
Like the Lamanites, whose countenances seemed dark.
This was so that God’s people could stay far away
From others who would attempt to lead them astray.
But this doesn’t mean that they’re all forever cursed.—
Any who repent will learn it can be reversed.
We should be careful when we choose our dates and friends.  
We should make sure they’ll help us keep our covenants.

Alma 4
Lamanites attacked and were beaten yet again, 
As the fifth year of the judges came to an end.
There were no more wars or contentions the next year
But for all their losses, the families shed tears.
For a time their sorrow led them to be more wise;
In the next two years, many people were baptized.
But in the eighth year of the judges they grew proud
Because of the riches with which they were endowed.
All the faithful saints were dismayed to see these sins
Not only outside the church, but also within.
In fact, Alma learned, church members were often worse.
There was so much strife, Alma thought his heart would burst.
Alma wanted to devote all his time to preach,
So he asked Nephihah to fill his judgment seat.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Mosiah 25-28

Chapter 25
King Mosiah’s people gathered and formed a crowd
Where they heard the records of Zeniff read aloud.
Then they listened intently to Alma’s account.
They felt everything: wonder, joy, anguish and doubt.
Then Mosiah said, “Alma, you go speak to them!”
So he shared the great importance of baptism.
After this, Limhi and his people were baptized
And the church of God continued to grow in size.

Chapter 26
While the church was growing, there were also some men
Who had not understood the words of Benjamin.
They were only children when that man gave his speech
Now that they’d grown up, they scorned all that Alma preached.
They would not be baptized and deceived church members
Flattering them, so many saints became sinners.
These dissenters were delivered up to Alma
Who’d been called as the high priest in Zarahemla.
Alma’s heart was troubled; he’d never seen such things
So he sent these religious rebels to the king.
King Mosiah told him, “Alma, this job is yours.”
And sent them all back, so Alma prayed to the Lord.
The voice of the Lord came to Alma and it said,
“Alma, for your exceeding faith you will be blessed.
“Judge each person based on his crime and his intent.
“Forgive anyone who will sincerely repent.
“As often as my people repent, I’ll forgive.
“My people must do likewise all the days they live.”
Alma was obedient, which led to greater peace.
They gave thanks in all things and they prayed without cease.

Chapter 27
Alma had a son.  He was named after his dad.
But he became wicked, which made his father sad.
He and King Mosiah’s four sons went on their way
Doing all they could to lead church members astray.
One day they were met by an angel in a cloud.
When he spoke to them, the earth shook it was so loud!
“Alma, why do you persecute God’s church?” he said,
“You’re accountable for the people you’ve misled!
“I’ve been sent as an answer to your father’s prayers.
“To convince you that God is real and that He cares.”
Alma was so shocked, he was helpless and went mute 
And he felt regret for his sins that was acute.
Alma’s friends and family fasted and they prayed.
He finally woke after two nights and two days.
“Be of good comfort!  I’ve repented of my sins.
“I have learned that all mankind must be born again.
“I felt so much shame until I turned to the Lord.
“Though I was tormented, my soul is pained no more!”
From that time forward, Alma spent his time preaching
All throughout the land with the four sons of the king.
Their names were Omner, Himni, Aaron and Ammon
And they zealously tried to right the wrongs they’d done.
They were once involved in the very worst of sins
But God in His mercy had chosen to spare them.

Chapter 28
Over time, the sons of Mosiah set their sights
On serving a mission among the Lamanites.
Though there would be danger, they didn’t count the cost.
They hated the thought that any soul should be lost!
Mosiah was worried about them till the Lord
Told him they should go—many would believe their words.
God then promised King Mosiah that all his sons
Would receive protection and come home—every one.
An account of their ministry will soon be seen
In the book of Alma, in chapter 17.
Then, since all his sons were on missions, Mosiah
Took all of the records and gave them to Alma.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

Mosiah 18-24

Mosiah 18
Now, Abinidi didn’t lose his life in vain,
For his words had touched Alma and brought him great shame.
Alma chose to repent and share what he had learned
From the prophet that Noah and his priests had burned. 
Though he preached in secret to avoid being caught,
There were many people who believed what he taught.
Alma had to hide out in a thicket of trees
So that he could testify without being seen. 
He taught them that they all needed to be baptized,
And baptized them all, though their group was large in size.
“Baptism’s a promise,” he told them, “At its core, 
“You agree that you’ll be a witness of the Lord,
“And that you will comfort others when they’re in need,
“Mourn with those that mourn and be God’s people, indeed!”
They found such joy in the church they were members of
That their hearts were knit together in peace and love.
They were generous of their own free will to those
Who found themselves in need of money, food or clothes.
Alma ordained teachers and priests who then went forth.
He made it quite clear they should work for their support.
All of this was done in the borders of the land
At a beautiful, blessed place known as “Mormon.”
But when King Noah heard of this he sent his men
To stop the so-called “rebellion” and destroy them.
When they heard the king’s army was headed their way 
All four hundred and fifty of them ran away

Mosiah 19
Some of King Noah’s people were angry with him.
One especially angry man was Gideon.
Gideon had sworn that he’d slay the wicked king
And he would have but Lamanites were attacking!
King Noah convinced Gideon to spare his life
So that he could lead his men, their children and wives.
But when Lamanites caught up with them, Noah said,
“Leave your wives and children!” And some of the men fled.
The Lamanites offered the rest mercy, which meant
They would have to pay taxes of fifty percent.
Limhi was among them and, though he loved his dad,
He knew that his father’s behavior had been bad.
Not long after, Limhi learned that his dad had died.
He’d been burned, as Abinadi had prophesied.
All those men who’d followed him wanted to return.
Noah tried to stop them and that’s why he was burned.
His priests ran away and so they escaped the flames. 
You’ll soon see the problems for which they’d be to blame!
Mosiah 20
Limhi became king now that his father was gone.
They had peace for two years; nothing was going on.
But the Lamanites came to fight their people when
Noah’s wicked priests kidnapped 24 maidens.
Limhi’s people fought them and even drove them back.
Finally they learned what had made them all attack.
Limhi told the king of the Lamanites to cease,
“We are innocent!  Your girls are with Noah’s priests!”
So the Lamanites ended their hostilities
And for a short time, they all dwelt again in peace.

Mosiah 21
But the Lamanites were soon treating them like dirt—
Bossing them around and hitting them so it hurt.
These afflictions became so great for Limhi’s men
That they asked King Limhi if they could fight again.
Limhi was reluctant but said that they could go.
They were beaten soundly and left many widows.
They fought two more times and each time they were beaten,
So they turned to God, since they felt so defeated.
They became a church, much like Alma and his band:
Making covenants that they’d follow God’s commands.
All day long they prayed, asking help from God on High
But since they’d delayed, God was slow to hear their cry.
Over time He helped them to prosper by degrees
And He lightened their loads but didn’t set them free.
Ammon was distraught when he heard of Limhi’s plight,
So he helped them come up with a way to take flight.

Mosiah 22
Now we’ll learn how Limhi’s people would all break free
From the people who held them in captivity.
All of their attempts to escape ended in tears
Until Ammon came.  They’d been waiting many years.
Then his captain, Gideon, said unto the king,
“All the guards on the back gate are always drinking.
“If we bring them wine as a present and they drink
“We can all depart from here faster than you’d think!”
Limhi and his people followed Gideon’s plan
And they all escaped, every child, woman and man.
Since he knew the way, Ammon’s guidance was employed.
They were welcomed to Zarahemla with great joy.

© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes