Sunday, October 4, 2020

3 Nephi 17-19


3 Nephi 17

Then the Savior told them, “My time is now at hand.

“Go ponder my words; pray that you will understand.”

It was time to go but he looked into their eyes

He could see their tears.  He would not yet say goodbye.

“Have ye any sick?  I am filled with compassion.

“Bring those who are afflicted and I will heal them.”

Then the multitude brought their sick, their lame, their dumb

And the Savior healed them, each and every one.

Then they all fell down at his feet and worshipped him

Afterward he had them bring their little children.

While the multitude knelt, Jesus knelt down and prayed.

They could not record his sayings in any way.

Then he wept for joy at the multitude’s great faith.

He blessed all their children and, once again, he prayed.

Teary eyed he told them, “Behold your little ones.”

Angels came and ministered to all their children.

There were 2,500 who would bear record

Of the Savior’s prayers, of his miracles and words.


3 Nephi 18

Then the Savior instituted the sacrament

“You must always do this, it’s a new commandment.

“Partaking of the bread is a testimony

“To the Father that you always remember me.

“Drink the wine.  It represents the blood I shed for you.

“You’ll be filled with my spirit every time you do.

“Watch and pray always so that you won’t be tempted.

“Pray as I have prayed among those who’ve repented.

“You’ll be given anything you ask for that is right.

“Pray with your families; you’ll bless your children and your wife.

“Meet together often.  Let anyone join you.

“Hold your light up high, doing what you’ve seen me do.”

To his 12 apostles he gave a strict command,

“Those who take the sacrament unworthily are damned.

“Forbid them from taking it but do not cast them out.

“Minister and pray for them.  Try to never doubt.

“One day they could very well return and repent.

“You could be the reason salvation comes to them.

“Write down my commandments so no one is confused—

“So there will be no disputations among you.”

After, he gave each apostle the priesthood pow’r.

And then he ascended to heaven in a cloud.


3 Nephi 19

All that night the multitude shared what they had seen.

Many traveled miles to be where Jesus would be.

That next morning there was such a large multitude

That they were divided into twelve different groups.

Each apostle helped minister to that great host.

Leading them in prayer, they asked for the Holy Ghost.

They would soon receive this—the thing they most desired

When the twelve were baptized with water and with fire.

Angels came from heaven; the whole assembly saw.

Jesus came at that time, which added to their awe.

He had all the people kneel on the earth to pray.

They prayed unto Jesus, since He was there that day.

Jesus also prayed, giving thanks to our Father

And asking Him to give the Spirit to others,

“Anyone who believes in my apostle’s words

“They are those on whom the Spirit should be conferred.”

When He saw the disciples praying without cease

He smiled upon them and their purity increased.

Jesus prayed again, giving thanks that they were pure

And asked that such purity would be given to more.

Jesus prayed a third time and though they understood

His words could not be written by the multitude.

“I have never seen such great faith among the Jews

“So they never saw the miracles I’ve shown to you.”






















© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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