Sunday, October 18, 2020

3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi

 3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi

3 Nephi 27

While the Twelve were praying one day the Savior came

And they asked him, “Jesus, what is the church’s name?”

“Call the church in my name,” the Savior said to them,

“If it has a man’s name, then it’s a church of man.”

“Build it on my gospel and it will be my church

“And in it Heavenly Father will show His works.

“This is the gospel that I have given to thee

“That I might be lifted up to draw men unto me.

“Just as I was lifted, God will lift all men up

“So, according to their works, they can all be judged.

“Nothing that is unclean can come into God’s rest

“Only those who have repented in faithfulness.

“Follow this commandment: repent and be baptized

“That ye may receive the Spirit which sanctifies.

“All the works that I’ve done that must you also do

“And be sure that your records are faithful and true.

“Even as I am, that is how you ought to be.

“Knock and it will open; just ask and you’ll receive.

“Thanks to your great faith, you’ll all be saved, everyone

“But I’m sorrowful for the fourth generation.

“Enter the strait gate, few will walk this narrow way,

“Choosing death instead through the wider, broader gate.”


3 Nephi 28

Then the Savior granted his nine apostles’ plea,

“After seventy two years you’ll die and come to me.”

Three other apostles’ desire was that of John:

That, in order to share the gospel, they’d live on.

“Until I come in glory you’ll never taste of death.

“Then you will be changed and in God’s kingdom you’ll rest.”

Then it seems those three apostles were transfigured,

Which changed their bodies so that they could minister.

Prisons, dens of beasts, fires and pits could not harm them

As they traveled to share the gospel with all men.

So the people listened and they had great success.

They were united; their generation was blessed.

Mormon then shares more of the three who chose to stay,

Saying he’d been forbidden to write down their names.

He said they’re like angels among Gentiles and Jews.

You won’t even know it if they minister to you.

Later, Mormon prayed to find out about these men

He even said that they had ministered to him.

He was told that their bodies had gone through a change.

Though they could feel sorrow, they no longer felt pain.

Their bodies had not been resurrected just yet

But they would be when we reach the day of judgment.


3 Nephi 29

“When the Gentiles learn of these sayings,” Mormon said,

“That’s how God will start fulfilling His covenant.

“He will not forget his promises to Israel

“Do not doubt or spurn Him.  They will all be fulfilled.

“Those who think the Lord doesn’t use revelation

“Or the Spirit any more will have cause to lament.”


3 Nephi 30

“Hear the words of Jesus,” Mormon went on to say,

“Repent, all ye Gentiles, turn from your wicked ways.

“If you will be baptized with water and with fire

“You’ll have all that God has promised the Israelites.”


4 Nephi

Then Mormon tells us for the next two centuries

Everyone was baptized and they enjoyed great peace.

They shared everything so there were no rich or poor

And in all the land there were no “ites” any more.

They rebuilt their cities and the apostles preached

There were miracles and there was prosperity.

After 84 years some rebels in the land

Left the church so now there were Lamanites again.

After 200 years the church was broken up;

Pride replaced all their feelings of brotherly love.

There were classes now and churches meant to get gain

The three apostles’ felt that their teaching was in vain.

The people’s hearts were hard and they sought to kill these men

And, over the years, there were greater divisions.

True believers of Christ still called themselves Nephites

Those who rejected Him called themselves Lamanites.

In a few decades they brought back the oaths and ways

That were used by Gadianton in older days.

The wicked outnumbered the righteous by that time

And even Nephites began struggling with pride.

By 300 years, both peoples became wicked

And across the land Gadianton robbers spread.

In the year 320 a man named Ammoron

Was prompted to hide up the records in the ground.




© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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