Sunday, October 25, 2020

Mormon 1-6

 Mormon 1

Ammaron told Mormon when he was only ten

“When you’re 24 go to a hill known as Shim.

“Take the plates of Nephi, write down what you observe.”

Little Mormon remembered everything he’d heard.

War broke out between the Nephites and Lamanites.

When the Nephites won, four years passed without a fight.

God took his apostles away.  Miracles ceased.

None felt the Holy Ghost due to their iniquity.

When he was 15 Mormon came to know Jesus.

He wanted to preach but the Lord kept his mouth shut.

God knew that all their hearts were too hard to listen.

And, because of this, there was a curse on the land.

When the people hid up their treasures in the earth

They would disappear.  It was all due to the curse.


Mormon 2

When war came again Nephites asked Mormon to lead

All their armies although he was only 16.

There were so many fighting for the Lamanites

That the Nephites ran.  They were too afraid to fight.

Though they tried to gather the people as they ran,

There was already carnage found throughout the land.

When he’d gathered more strength Mormon’s men beat their foe.

Afterward, the Nephites mourned and felt great sorrow.

Though Mormon had hoped that this meant they would repent.

They were only sad they could not take joy in sin.

They openly rebelled against God and cursed him.

Mormon saw that the day of grace had passed for them.

This account would not include everything he’d seen:

Continual wickedness and iniquity.

The Lamanites drove the Nephites forth, they hunted them

And the Nephites gathered at the city of Shem.

Though the Lamanites outnumbered them three to five,

Mormon’s men stood firm, fighting for their kids and wives.

Though this battle ended for them in victory

And, in the year 350, they made a treaty,

Mormon’s heart sorrowed; he knew his people were weak.

Without God’s strength great would be their calamity.






Mormon 3

For ten years the Nephites and Lamanites had peace

And, finally, Mormon had permission to preach.

But it was in vain, the people would not listen.

Then the Lamanites gathered to fight them again.

Twice the Nephites beat them and they started to boast,

Swearing vengeance by the throne of the Lord of Hosts.

When he heard these oaths—such language is forbidden—

Mormon utterly refused to lead them again.

God told him that since the Nephites would not repent

They would be cut off from the earth where they’d been sent.

Then, to everyone who would read this book he pleads,

“Repent before you stand before Christ’s judgment seat!”


Mormon 4

If the Nephites stayed home they would have all stayed safe

But because of their arrogance many were slain.

They pursued the Lamanites and were driven back,

Then they lost possession of the city they once had.

Their survivors fled to the city Teancum.

Soon the Lamanites came to fight them, once again.

Though they fought them off once, the Nephites would then lose

It was indescribable the carnage that ensued.

Thousands died.  The Lamanites used their prisoners

As off’rings to their gods.  Things could not have been worse.

After one last victory the Nephites would find

That they wouldn’t beat their rivals another time.

When Mormon saw that they would soon be overthrown

He retrieved the records from where he’d been told to go.


Mormon 5

Mormon then agreed to lead the Nephites once more

But he had no hope; they would not trust in the Lord.

They were so outnumbered the Nephites had to run.

Everyone who was not swift enough was swept down.

Much of the bloodshed of this time we’ll never know

Mormon didn’t want it to cause us great sorrow.

He knew that The Book of Mormon would one day be

Read by both the Gentiles and by his people’s seed.

It’s meant to persuade them that Jesus is the Christ

So the Jews can be restored to all of their rights.

Mormon prophesied that his people’s descendants

Would be driven forth just like chaff before the wind.

But the Lord would remember His promise made to them

And the prayers that the righteous had put up to him.


Mormon 6

All the Nephites gathered to fight one last battle.

Mormon knew their records were all that would matter.

So he buried all but these gold plates in a hill

And gave these to his son, knowing he’d soon be killed.

Hundreds of thousands died, all hewn down with the sword

Until their number was reduced to 24.

Mormon felt anguish for all those who had been slain,

Crying, “Oh, ye fair ones, departed from God’s ways!

“How could you have rejected Jesus, our Savior?

“But now you are fallen, and I have cause to mourn.

“Oh, that you’d repented before this destruction,

“But you will be judged by God now that you are gone.”



© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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