Friday, October 30, 2020

Mormon 7-9

 Mormon 7

Here Mormon addresses his people’s descendants,

“Know your lineage and know that you must repent.

“Believe in the Savior, that he’s the Son of God,

“And His victory over the grave was for us all.

“He redeemed the world so that all those found guiltless

“Can dwell with the Lord in a state of happiness.

“Repent and be baptized with water and with fire

“And it will be well—you’ll sing in heavenly choirs.”


Mormon 8

From this point Moroni took over for his dad.

First he wrote about the great battle that they had.

Afterward, Nephites who’d escaped were all destroyed

And Moroni found his life devoid of all joy.

He remained, alone.  All the other Nephites died.

“Whether they will slay me, I know not,” he would write.

He decided he’d finish his father’s record

And then he would hide the records up in the earth.

Since the Savior’s coming it’d been four hundred years.

The land was full of bloodshed and murder everywhere.

“These plates, in themselves, are of no worth,” he would write,

“What is of great worth is the record found inside.

“Blessed be the man who will bring this thing to light

“Using God’s power, from the darkness it will shine.

“Should you find some faults they are all the faults of men.

“Those who condemn it are in danger,” he threatened.

“Search the prophecies of Isaiah,” he implored.

He didn’t have time or the space to write still more.

“All the Nephite prophets who have lived before me

“Prayed that these records would come forth for all to read.

“God has heard their prayers.  He’ll remember His promise.

“And it will come forth in a day filled with darkness.

Then Moroni described the evil of our day:

Secret combinations, churches built to get gain,

Natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars,

Loving money more than the needy and the poor

He’d seen the hypocrisy and pride of our day

And warned God would soon avenge the blood of His saints.




Mormon 9

Here Moroni addressed those who don’t believe in Christ,

“Will you go on denying Him after this life?

“When you’re brought before Him and remember your guilt

“You must know how miserable it will make you feel.

“You won’t want to stay there, no, you would rather dwell

“With all of the damned souls who’ve earned a place in hell.

“Turn unto the Lord and cry mightily to him

“That you may be washed clean by the blood of the Lamb.”

Then he spoke to those who think that the Lord has changed,

“God is the same today that He was yesterday.

“Revelation, healing and even miracles;

“Don’t deny these gifts.  They are still available.”

“God used miracles for the creation and fall

“And our Redeemer wrought miracles for us all.

“If the Lord used miracles back then, why would He cease?

“He does not vary—we know He is unchanging.

“So when there are times when miracles seem to cease

“It’s because the people dwindle in unbelief.

“Everyone who believes in Christ and doesn’t doubt

“Will find anything that they ask of God allowed.

“Doubt not, be believing, serve God with all your heart.

“Strip yourself of anything unclean or that is dark.

“Do all things in worthiness, in the name of Christ

“I know you will have my words long after I die.

“Don’t condemn this record or its authors for its flaws

“Learn to be more wise from us and give thanks to God.

“If the plates were large enough we would have written

“In Hebrew.  Instead, we used reformed Egyptian.

“Since no one knows our language God will provide a way

“For the future interpretation of the plates.

“We’ve written these things that our garments may be clean

“From the blood of those who’ve dwindled in unbelief.”







© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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