Sunday, October 18, 2020

3 Nephi 20-26

 3 Nephi 20

Though they stopped praying they kept praying in their hearts.

Jesus had more teachings He wanted to impart.

Then He gave the whole multitude both wine and bread.

Though no one had brought food, the multitude was fed.

“Eat and drink,” He said, “and you won’t hunger or thirst,”

And the Spirit filled them, according to His words.

“Search Isaiah’s words, ye should have them before you

“He foresaw how Israel would once more have the truth.

“You’ve been given this land as an inheritance.

“And your seed will be blessed if they choose to repent.

“God will help His people who keep their covenants

“Like a young lion among sheep who has great strength.

“All the prophets of old have testified of me.

“I have come to help men turn from iniquity.

“For a time the Gentiles will be blessed and mighty

“But Israel will be strong when they believe in me.

“Then they will be joyful.  They’ll all sing together

“And in Jerusalem they will all be gathered.

“This event was written about by Isaiah,

“Saying, ‘Awake, Zion.  Shake thyself from the dust.’

“Though the House of Israel will be captive for years

“Loosing themselves from sin will bring them all great cheer.

“They’ll be heard to say, ‘How beautiful are the feet

“‘Of those who bring good tidings and who publish peace.’”

He quoted more from Isaiah about himself

And of how Israel’s covenant would be fulfilled.


3 Nephi 21

“When the gospel is restored you will know it’s time

“For the final gathering.  It will be a sign.”

Jesus also shared that the U.S. would be free

So The Book of Mormon could come forth for their seed.

“The restoration will be so great and marvelous

“That when kings are told they will find themselves speechless.”

Then the Savior quoted from Micah, where it states

Israel will be triumphant in the latter days.

“All of Israel’s foes will be cut off with vengeance

“Unless they will hearken my words and will repent.

“In that case they’ll be numbered among my people

“And they will assist them by preaching the gospel.”

3 Nephi 22

Jesus then quoted from Isaiah 54

Where Israel is told it will be barren no more.

Though they’d feel forsaken and shamed for many years

The Lord God, their maker, would wipe away their tears.

“After a small moment you will feel my mercy.

“My everlasting kindness shall not depart from thee.

“Though they’ll surely gather against thee they shall fall

“This is the heritage I’ve given to you all.”


3 Nephi 23

“Search these things,” he told them, “Great are Isaiah’s words,

“And give heed to me.  Write down everything you’ve heard.”

He had Nephi bring forth their sacred records then

And asked why a major event was not mentioned,

“Didn’t saints arise from the dead and minister

“When I gave my life and glorified the Father?” 

It had not been written.  Once it was written down

He asked them to teach the things which He would expound.


3 Nephi 24

Then Jesus quoted passages of Malachi.

His teachings had never been heard by the Nephites.

“I will send my messenger, he’ll prepare the way

“So that men will listen to what I have to say.”

Many righteous men have acted as messengers

Helping men receive the message of the Savior.

John the Baptist, Elijah, Peter, James and John,

Joseph Smith, Moroni, they’ve done this, every one.

And, once Jesus comes, he’s like a refiner’s fire

He will swiftly judge sin just like a purifier.

One way to prepare for the Lord’s second coming

Is found in this chapter: pay an honest tithing.

We are robbing God if we ignore this command

But if we obey He will bless us where we stand.

“Prove me,” says the Lord, “I’ll open heaven’s windows.

“You won’t have enough room because I’ll bless you so.”

Last, this chapter offers us some reassurance

When it might feel pointless to keep our covenants.

Sinners might seem happy, set up or delivered

But it’s true, in the end, God blesses those who’ve served.


3 Nephi 25

Then the Savior quoted Malachi Chapter 4.

“‘All the proud and wicked will be burned,’ saith the Lord.

“But for those who fear me the Son of Righteousness

“Will arise with healing in His wings.  They’ll be blessed.

“I will send Elijah so families can be sealed.

“Hearts will turn so eternal families can be real.”


3 Nephi 26

Then Jesus taught them all things from the beginning

Till the time that He should come again in glory.

They could not write a hundredth part of what He taught.

Mormon only wrote what the Lord told him he ought.

After three days of teaching Jesus left again

And his disciples taught what he had shared with them.



© 2020 by N. Noelle Maes

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